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  1. lisa L

    Loads of CFL spotlights instead?

    A few small fans should go plenty far assuming your ambient temps are lower to begin with.--IMHO if it's an open area you shouldn't have any problem with heat from CFL or low-wattage HPS, but then you're wasting light and should really have a reflector minimally if using a top-fixture, but in...
  2. lisa L

    Molasses. A double edged sword?

    I'd keep the molasses out of hydro if I was you, you're just asking for a scum buildup and potential root-rot.--Even with my hyper-aerated res I still ended up with a ton of scummy build-up after a day or two.--I view it solely as a soil additive to increase beneficials, but that's just my opinion.
  3. lisa L

    Alert! dont buy from ebay seller mixwholesale

    -Till the light burns out in week 3 of flowering and you are really screwed. Or it burns your house down, and you're even more screwed. Or, it burns your house down and you go to jail when they find the remnants of your grow op. (Kidding, but hell, anything is possible.) You want to get...
  4. lisa L

    Loads of CFL spotlights instead?

    10-20 cfls can get pretty damn hot, as well. In a confined space they can get scorching. (At least my 23w do.) Built-in transformer = built in heat source. I second the low-wattage HPS. Your yield will benefit exceptionally for a similar electricity cost.
  5. lisa L

    First grow !! Look ok ??

    Careful with the veg nuts, too much N doesn't yield the best buds, just the most bushy/leafy/green plants.--Those three don't necessary go along with the best buds.
  6. lisa L

    Getting ready for my first clonign operation, what do I need to know/have

    I second the bubble cloner. --I know a simple dome over the rock-wool plugs is the easiest, my DWC/Bubble cloner can also be used as a full veg setup if necessary so if I'm backed up I can veg under my CFL back and move them to the flower room, with little to no stress. I usually get roots...
  7. lisa L

    How close can a 600 watt led be moved above the plant?

    I never thought they would stretch as long as they had a good composition of blue LEDs, but I've always worried about their penetration over other light methods.--Interesting post, though.
  8. lisa L

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    Wow, because the last two comments weren't even slightly "smug". -Since when did "newbie central" become this is the right way and the only way central? I understand you're terrified of a newbie taking something here as fact that might cripple their production, blah blah blah. And obviously...
  9. lisa L

    Is she ok?

    All dead!?--Did you change anything at all recently? Now I wanna know why. What media, water, any nuts yet? Details might help us figure out what went wrong. sorry dude.
  10. lisa L

    Is she ok?

    Leaf curl looks a bit like you might be drowning a tiny bit. (as above) It's hard to see if your stem is brown or a reddish hue. Is that temperature constant, or does it drop at anytime? Things do look a tiny bit lenky though, move your light closer?
  11. lisa L

    How much is too much???

    Yeah, I stopped by my local hydro store and they make hella heat when you have multiple bulbs. Shit, for that matter, the built-in little ballasts on CFLs in an enclosed space can start to cook things and turn themselves a little charred color. (The glass don't get hot but the base can get...
  12. lisa L

    Trying to buy Seeds in the US

    I hear they'll even accept food stamps. That's the word on the street.
  13. lisa L

    Has anyone used SUPERTHRIVE?

    I go at a 1/4 teaspoon/gallon (on the light side, I know.) in early-mid veg along with my grow nutrients. I've noticed it really seems to encourage profuse root expansion when i'm waiting for the roots to reach my reservoir in my waterfarm. I'm a firm-believer in that and silica during veg...
  14. lisa L

    Should you presoak RW with beneficials

    depends, are you cloning or are you seeding? If you're cloning, I add 1/4 strength nutrient solution (100ppm) included a pinch of superthrive, then I water with pH'd water after that, with every once in awhile more nutrient solution. (don't want build-up) For seeds, water alone (distilled or...
  15. lisa L

    Thinking of Quitting the Game...Thoughts?

    robin hood of weed. I like that...
  16. lisa L

    Please, Please, Please Help Me!

    They damped off, I think they are a goner if they have been that color for any length of time. (If it's only been a day or so since they cracked, they still may be okay.) I'd suggest putting the rockwool on a little pedastal (dixie cup base with holes punche in it, works great) so that any...
  17. lisa L

    How close can a 600 watt led be moved above the plant?

    So how was your yield with the wattage of LED lights you grew with? I looked into building my own but once I priced out higher wattage LEDs, I found that it woudl have cost me upwards of $500 anyways.--I just still don't know about the price/gram using an LED. (Not just for electricity but for...
  18. lisa L

    Thinking of Quitting the Game...Thoughts?

    good luck to you!
  19. lisa L

    How much is too much???

    I don't understand why 12 ounces a plant is so doubtful? It was my first time growing with two plants each with their dedicated 400w light, but I easily got 10 ounces a plant (stem-free, cured, beautiful bud) and over another 10 ounces of crystalline trim and not-so-smokable buds, all still...
  20. lisa L

    Thinking of Quitting the Game...Thoughts?

    I'd imagine if he was growing smart to begin with he'd probably have about jack-all chance of getting caught. (Small quantities, small wattage, tell no one, don't sell, control odor, blah blah blah.) Obviously, you can never control acts of god that might get you caught, if he had been growing...