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  1. W

    I Made My Dealer A Card

    Just a Thought: Maybe, if you didn't go around saying stuff like this, you'd have some FRIENDS to smoke you up on 4/20 day.
  2. W

    Renes Random Rambles!

    I used to think she was cool till she went psychotic cuz I didn't get along with her friend..seen the name clearly thought she may have learned to play nice by now... I was just saying the truth about what I do know of her...and how do you know she can grow circles around me? Not from what I...
  3. W

    Renes Random Rambles!

    Well maybe it will teach her a lesson she had a bad problem keeping her mouth shut..what was the ban for what's up with these rules and all the bans?
  4. W

    ATTN: ANYONE/EVERYONE How does this look?

    Lmao well now some people just don't get that you can research all day but you can also find myths and such that could have a negative affect I feel reading and cross referencing with expertise is a great idea.
  5. W

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    Wow buddy you have issues...hitting on a woman are you sure your not the lonely pathetic one? I happen to be in a good relationship but you I'm sure we will be seeing you on the news playing out silence of the rubs the lotion on its skin..what a freak I'm done with you...
  6. W

    white hairs please help

    I knew we would meet again...I'm surprised you actually help without being negative in any way..shock...I would have to agree with him for once doesn't look done and sampling is always good
  7. W

    Hot Women Tokers

    Hmm I guess that's more correct have to say even the one guy I dated who didn't smoke thought it was awesome I did lol he was real uptight so that was surprising...and indoor man if you want pic so desperately I can point you to some sight but I doubt these guys want you eye fucking their girls
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    Hot Women Tokers

    I know tons of women tokers! I find men are usually surprised at the amount I smoke why is it so astonishing to men when women smoke like a chimney?
  9. W

    white hairs please help

    Do you have any pics have any of the hairs turned at all?
  10. W

    sprouting issues

    Ok well have you tried another method of germ? Maybe this one doesn't work for you...I stick it right in the soil or a jiffy puck put it in a dark, warm area and make sure they are moist not wet I leave them in there till the false leaves open...about a could also try soaking google...
  11. W

    ATTN: ANYONE/EVERYONE How does this look?

    Very true the search function here is very useful but the plant show be fine...have seen this a few times long ass its not off all the way you should be fine...the others looking good
  12. W

    Don't post and entice with a + REP, you're just pissing everyone off!!!!

    hey shayden fyi i am a girl and nice assumption...what girls cant grow?? lmao this simply isnt true i have known a few kickass female growers
  13. W

    Don't post and entice with a + REP, you're just pissing everyone off!!!!

    Well thank you...and where is my +rep for being a sneaky bitchy??haha sorry had to say it I like to far as the original topic I think +rep posts can attract the wrong advice some times I have been on here as a visitor for awhile and seen it a lot
  14. W

    Question about growing! :)

    Sorry about that...I can help much with cfls but I just calculate based off of my area and the lumens on the light I am getting hope someone could be of more help
  15. W

    Don't post and entice with a + REP, you're just pissing everyone off!!!!

    Funny how you seem to think you know what's in the head of a person you don't know at all...was simply a laugh yes I have pissed a few people off but realize it won't get me far as this post it really did just make me laugh that's ok maybe should have phrased it differently but...
  16. W

    Don't post and entice with a + REP, you're just pissing everyone off!!!!

    Haha man as I said no offense intended as I said was just ironic that's what you happened to be viewing....and I don't feel I was being sneaky in any way am I not allowed to view profiles I liked your point hence the view just didn't get any far as rep as I am new I don't know much...
  17. W

    Question about growing! :)

    The sticky about lighting will tell you what you need to know for lighting its not so much watts as lumens
  18. W

    Question about growing! :)

    Wtf why do you seem to be on all the treads I am on!! Stop trolling me...and I mean the other kid doesn't need to know everything now I said reading up is the op as I said was an example I don't have experience with led but seen some good deals as well
  19. W

    Don't post and entice with a + REP, you're just pissing everyone off!!!!

    Haha so I only read the first few posts and thought I would check out the ops profile when I got to it first thing I see: Current Activity: Viewing Thread seedling to veg?? pics +rep Haha ironic a thread bitching about +rep threads and is viewing one as I read the complaint not knocking you...
  20. W

    Question about growing! :)

    I was looking at ebay for you to see if they have good deals check this out may just work for you Idk you budget but something like this should work for you t5s are good