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  1. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    thats my plann anyone know a link that shows step by step how to make hash or oil out of a male plant?
  2. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    yeaaa a practice plant would do fine also if i cant find anything else to do with it but here are the pics that i just took of it the plant grew 9 leave patters and some has 10 and here you can see its a male! =[
  3. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    well let me take a picture of the plant and ill post it here and you can let me know if it has enough leaves to make bubble hash seeing how you know alot more than mee =]
  4. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    well no i just started 4 new ones that are og kush but there just like 2 inches tall and another one that is bigger but not shown signs of sex yettt!! is there no thc what so ever in male plants? cause seeing how its a male plant and i have no use for it! i could give the plant to my mom cause...
  5. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    dammm it =[ okay well it does look very nice so i guess ill just let it grow and die on its own! thaks guys!
  6. M

    Such a dissapointment! my plant is a male!! what to do now?

    my plant looks soooo good and super bushy! took it outside so it can start flowering and its a male! after all this time! dam itt! so what to do now? just kill it?
  7. M

    Can i place plant outside to flower?

    thanks for the help and advice i really appreciate it.
  8. M

    Can i place plant outside to flower?

    well i been taking em out for sunlight for a few hopefully they been getting used to the sun because they been under lights there whole life.. im going to take your advice and place the plant in a semi-shaded area for the hottest part of the day! and for the darkness yess in my area it...
  9. M

    Can i place plant outside to flower?

    hello im not that experienced with growing so im a noob so go easy on mee!!! my plant is a little over 13 inches tall! its been under 24h of florescent lights and its really bushy and looks great! but its outgrown the gutted dresser i have them in but my question is can i place it outside from...
  10. M

    Growing Under Floresent lights Then Sun to Flower!

    okay this is my frist grow and its gone good/bad.... my setup is a gutted dresser with two floresent lights one on top witch contains two bulbs then a smaller one on the side! then a fan blowing inside. my friend has just dried out his kush plant (not sure what strain) but its kush.... so he...
  11. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    i decided im going to let my plant veg. until the days get warmer and then ill be putting her outside to she can flower
  12. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    bump ^^^^^^^^^^
  13. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    and heres a new kush plant i started like i said bad/good comments i dont mind =D
  14. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    heres some more pics of my kush plant =D i took the pictures with my dads camera so they sould be good quality... heres a shot of the top of the plant and a shot of the maiin stem... you can see female pre-flower if you look close enough what do you think? bad comment and good comments...
  15. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    or for flowering could i just place the pots outside? so they can flower? has anyone ever done this?
  16. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    well im on a very low budget. so i was thinking for flowering cant i use a cfl light? my friend has one im sure he can let me use it... would the cfl light work good for flowering?
  17. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

  18. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    the plant is about 5 weeks right long do you guys think i should keep it in veg. till i start cutting the light back to 12/12?
  19. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    okay i havnt been here in a while because they cut off the internet but now its back:) its been like 4 weeks or so. well the bubba kush plant is no longer alive... =[ the short one that my friend gave me off his kush plant grew really good :) and it has female preflower.. and one one my good...
  20. M

    First Attempt At Growing W/ Pictures

    like i said im new to growing! thats why im here to learn! geezzz