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  1. zach79

    legal question for MI

    all the info that i really know...and when i tried to clear it all up they (the police) got pissed at me and pretty much are saying they're going to proceed..... it basically, i quess started because of my old neighbor, which i beleive was an imformant to get a case agaist her dismissed, but no...
  2. zach79

    legal question for MI

    I'm being harassed by city, county, and state police and not sure what to do. Does anyone know how to put a stop to this or know of any groups that can help me? I am completely LEGAL and have done nothing wrong. The police want me to bring them all in and show them everything, AND VIOLATE MY...
  3. zach79

    Is it too late

    i have started to clone my plants...i just have a question if its to late after there are muti pistals coming out. when i took the clones in the beginning they were justs starting to show sex...they already rooted n are kinda growing taller after a few wks..but no one really defines(not that i...
  4. zach79

    fox farm soil problems

    ive been using FF for the last few months n i keep finding these black corn size seeds that grow to a vine like plants...i thought FF was suppose to be sterile...has ne one else experienced this problem...the bags were brand new fresh from the distributors
  5. zach79

    i need help please

    thanks guys..i figured one was a hermie...i have the plnts on a totally diff floor put away in a neg air flow room....mite just use it to collect pollen for later if i need it n make other out of the herm when its thanks ALOT for the help guys...great growing guys
  6. zach79

    i need help please

    r u guys just saying that bout num 69...n if they have pistils they then would be hermies right???? cause three of them r covered with hairs
  7. zach79

    i need help please

    im really not sure what the starting of budding looks like ne more....i have 3 plants that have these bunching on them n have the telltale hairs coming out of them n one that doesnt have hairs coming out yet but is looking closer n closer to what the other three look like...the rest of my plants...
  8. zach79

    Which end do I put it in?

    thats weird...for years people have told to always put the tap pointing down....its good to finally find out the right way to do it
  9. zach79


    i looked at a pi of the fungus nat larvae and they dont have black heads like that they look exactly like nematodes but ate $150 worth of seeds(little ones)
  10. zach79


    i ordered some white widow..hem gold...n super silver all them started and transplanted them to soil a few days ago...well i looked into the soil cause they werent coming up and ive found little tiny white lines wiggling...bout 3-4mm long n as thick as a hair n they caused the seed to...
  11. zach79

    making it bigger n better

    i know that when i was growing when i was younger i remember using estrogen (birth control pills) n using progestron...does ne one now what the mix of mtg per water n i also remember some one telling me if you trim the starting preflowers on a female...2-3 times more will grow back giving you...
  12. zach79

    i need help pls

    could it also b that im getting confused due to them being hermi..they underwent stress bout four wks in n now when i look at them one level looks female n the next looks male
  13. zach79

    i need help pls

    thanks for your help geetee n jesus of last the pistillates come after the males bloom
  14. zach79

    Patients/Caregivers read could be next

    this is so sad...these men and women served our country..have been on the good side of the population and still our government can offer them to be at peace with themself and to be relieved with their pain....
  15. zach79

    i need help pls

    these pic should be alot better...diff really sorry and thats for the patients and help
  16. zach79

    i need help pls

    try these ones...its just really hard to get in close enough
  17. zach79

    i need help pls

    here are the best pic i could take...sorry
  18. zach79

    i need help pls

    i have a question for all the pros...i havent done this in a long time and now im back at it for med reasons...i started growing 9 wks ago n they all stunted...i got them to start back up n everything seems ok but i killed a hermi due to it flowering...but everything else seems really hard to...