

i ordered some white widow..hem gold...n super silver all fem...got them started and transplanted them to soil a few days ago...well i looked into the soil cause they werent coming up and ive found little tiny white lines wiggling...bout 3-4mm long n as thick as a hair n they caused the seed to rot ..but have never came across these b4...50%humid,82F,indoor soil,foxfarm, with worm casting on top...wondering if its possible worm eggs in casting n they hatched...n have other crop that doesnt have ne in it(worms)


Uh that just sounds gross dude, If i'm not sure about my soil i heat it up in the over :P Yeah the oven sounds odd but it kills stuff. I read something about it a long time ago.. Does not seem to bother the plant. Just done over do it. :leaf:


sounds more like fungal gnat larvae to me- use dianatious earth (ground silica) and sprinkle on top of your soil. It will kill the little buggers fast!


i looked at a pi of the fungus nat larvae and they dont have black heads like that they look exactly like nematodes but ate $150 worth of seeds(little ones)06-079f8.jpg