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  1. Loststrain

    Cola bud questions.

    bongsmilieSo I haven't really produced a very successful plant yet. But I have a 2 1/2ft tall razz BEAUTY and it's hairy all over and VERY filled out. So will I expect one big bud? Or little pop corns?bongsmilie
  2. Loststrain

    Stoner tv question!!!!!

    I love the baby seaking missles lol!
  3. Loststrain

    Stoner tv question!!!!!

    I'm gettin em all now, I LOVE them dude. JERRY!
  4. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    10' and I mean this sucks because I've seen them use cfl's on youtube?
  5. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    I'm like dirt poor and I have a 4' double tube fixture. Is there no lights I can buy to use for budding? Are there none strong enough?
  6. Loststrain

    Harvest & cure help!!

    Happy plumber?
  7. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    What is the cheapest, yet good enough for dense nice buds, lights I could use?
  8. Loststrain

    Harvest & cure help!!

    Thank you. Do you have any suggestions?
  9. Loststrain

    Stoner tv question!!!!!

    Yes!!! :d thank you!
  10. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    What SHOULD I use though? I KNOW it's the color. But what should it be?
  11. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    My grow area is about 5'x5' and I only plan on supporting about 3-4 plants MOST. And I can vegetate them. I have NO issue with that. But when it comes to budding I need help. I need a hps and ballast and yea home depot carries flood light hps lamps and that works just as good I juat need to know...
  12. Loststrain

    Let's Talk Lights.

    Okay so I'm headed off to home depot tomorrow to try and get a balast and hps bulb for budding. Any advice? I need all the help I can get. What EXACTLY should I get?
  13. Loststrain

    Stoner tv question!!!!!

    bongsmilieA while back a show came out of either Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or MTV. To my knowledge it was funny and they smoked pot. It was a cartoon and VERY pixelly almost intolerable. But it was a show and I can't find out what it's called ANYWHERE. Someone please help me.bongsmilie
  14. Loststrain

    Harvest & cure help!!

    bongsmilieHey I am coming up on my first harvest soon and I need some help! Anyone have any good harvesting tips? Like Clipping methods, or drying methods. And I need some help with curing. Thank You!bongsmilie
  15. Loststrain

    Let's Discuss Some Old School Hash Methods

    The one I posted was practically FREE! All you need to do is go somewhere to get a small silk screen or EASILY make one, you can even use a "yogurt strainer" found cheap at any grocery store. I don't make bubble hash though. Once you have your "sifter" go get a cigarette cellophane, scotch...
  16. Loststrain

    Let's Discuss Some Old School Hash Methods

    Eh not quite that old school brotha, but if you've got any methods from that old I'd be glad to help bro. I checked that vid and it seemed to work. But I don't use a grinder really unless I am dealing with TONS of buds, and they're really dense. But thank you :) I will deff try it. What do YOU do?
  17. Loststrain

    Let's Discuss Some Old School Hash Methods

    bongsmilieHey everyone, I have to ask if anyone knows any good "ghetto" hash methods. NO BUCKET BAGS, I don't do that, nor can I afford to. Here's MY formula.bongsmilie :weed: 1. First you get all the CLIPPINGS from your harvest, and any buds you would like to contribute, and dry them out good...
  18. Loststrain

    When should I expect bud?

    Thank you :) I am in desperation mode. I just went all up on google lookin for shit at home D.
  19. Loststrain

    If you could only pick one strain...?

    Razzmatazz!!! look at the picture man!
  20. Loststrain

    I need some light assistance. Just a few questions.

    bongsmilieHello, I have several questions about lighting. Now I'm mighty ghetto but I grow a DANK little strain by the name of Razzamatazz. But anyway I have a flowering clone right now that's probably in danger, but that's ok because I took 4 clones from her. Anyway, the clones are doing well...