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    400 watt question..

    Yeah.. I've always gotten great results out of that MH. I appreciate it!
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    400 watt question..

    I have a medium 2 plant closet grow and have a question about my 400 watt bulbs for veg and flower. I know the blue spectrum is great for veg but my Optilume Metal Halide bulb I use in the veg stage puts out 38,000 lumens while my flowering bulb (Hortilux Super HPS) puts out 55,000 lumens. My...
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    Snowstorm Ultra in dwc res. How do I really dose it?

    No more than 35%. No pests at all. How many times per week?
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    Snowstorm Ultra in dwc res. How do I really dose it?

    Awesome. Thank you Chem. And yes asd.. It WAS time for me to ask my own question. Ha. I also run bennies (mychorrizae, EWC, ZHO) so I'm thinking foliar spray will be best. The dose is 1ml per gallon for the mix but I've never applied a foliar spray before.. Whats the best way? Sometimes I...
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    Snowstorm Ultra in dwc res. How do I really dose it?

    Also, I'm only in week three... Should I even be starting it yet?
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    Snowstorm Ultra in dwc res. How do I really dose it?

    I'm just beginning week three of flower and got some snow storm ultra. I read the foliar spray works well, but I can't apply the nute that way because of temp problems in my growspace. I run a deep water culture with three res' and have to apply SSU directly to the res. I can't seem to get a...
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    CFL side lighting for flower question..

    Hello! I'm adding two CFL's as side lighting to my 400w Hortilux Super HPS and was wondering what some good warm bulbs I could get at WalMart or somewhere might be? Should I just go for the highest lumen output and correct spectrum or should I get a specialized grow CFL... Help!
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    Black Widow from Mr Nice

    I've got a mostly sativa hybrid pheno in day 62 of flower. Its so sticky its unreal. It takes a full 70 to flower normally but my trichs aren't cloudy at all yet.. I just tried a little tonight from a bud halfway up the plant and she's already very strong. (relaitively soaring high that lasted...
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    10.0 UVB help! Proximity to plant? Are 2 bulbs too many?

    Thankyou for the pics and explaination brother. its much appreciated. This is the original Widow I'm growing... I'm predicting a monumental amount of juicy trichs with these extra uvb's..
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    10.0 UVB help! Proximity to plant? Are 2 bulbs too many?

    Wow beautiful! So you guys are firm believers in the uvb leading to bigger trichomes as well.. This is my first grow trying it. I'll grab another 10.0 26w cfl and put it on the other side. People tell me its the difference between great buds and connoisseur buds..
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    10.0 UVB help! Proximity to plant? Are 2 bulbs too many?

    I've got a beautiful Black Widow female from Mr. Nice thats just started her 6th week of flower (she'll go minimun 10 wks), and I just hooked up a 10.0 UVB 26w CFL reptile light in the corner of my 400w hps reflector. Its on a seperate timer to be on the middle four hours of my 12 hour light...
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    5th week of flower.. Do I need extra UVB lighting for good trichome production?

    I've already got a 55,000 lumen 400w Hortilux super HPS beating down on one Black Widow plant.. Do I need some extra UVB lights to get the absolute best out of my buds and their trichome production?
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    ScrOG Help!

    Hello Beansly! Thank you for the link.. I read that a long time ago but of course it makes more sense now that I'm a little more "experienced" (relatively speaking of course). The fan leaves are always going to be the large, single branches attached to large, single leaves correct? The reason...
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    ScrOG Help!

    Hello everyone! I'm ScrOging a bushy beautiful BW out and had a few questions for anyone nice enough to reply. Each node has 4 branches, (2 lower growing sideways and 2 upper growing upwards at a 45 degree angle.) My understanding is that the two upper are where the bud sights will be and the...
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    Should I grow Black Widow or ECSD???

    I read ya brother. I'm just looking for the perfect pheno for myself.. And i figured this is a good way to test out exeactly what mix I'll like. The BW seems to visually guage quite easily what percentages of Ind. and Sat. it has in it. Having four in front of me next to eachother in my...
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    Should I grow Black Widow or ECSD???

    Shanti's gear grows stroooooooong.
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    Should I grow Black Widow or ECSD???

    Placed four in rapid rooters in a four net pot Bubbleponic grower less than one week ago.. (I made partitions in the res so the roots don't touch eachother) The biggest one is already larger than my hand. 3 Indy's and 1 Sat. (The Sat is about the diameter of a decent sized orange..) I still...
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    Should I grow Black Widow or ECSD???

    I took a look around and could only find femenized c99's and boned up on the Herijuana. I decided I'm being far too critical and i need to be smart enough to just pop the world class beans i already have. I bought a 6 pot dwc setup so I can get a good spectrum of what Shanti's variations can...