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  1. pyschoanda

    UFO RKSA and Sour cream ruderalis

    its on week 5 and havent budded yet but it is very lengthy with each branch having just top colas.... idk if its bad genetics or my growing.... got them from attitude seed bank.
  2. pyschoanda

    UFO RKSA and Sour cream ruderalis

    i dont know if its bad genetics or my growing but this is what is going down :hug:
  3. pyschoanda

    Agave Nectar

    I hear it is good for flowering but not vegging due to it not containing much, if any trace minerals...:?:
  4. pyschoanda

    Agave Nectar

    Ive read alot of posts in which people will do experiments with it but never post the end result. I would love to try it but first i need some opinions from anyone or those that HAVE done this :wall::dunce::lol::leaf::bigjoint::sleep: :D Thank you.
  5. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    Thanks alot guys i really do appreciate the opinions and ill keep note of a few tips, hopefully the girls will do fine. Im using an organic fert. Bio brand by general organics. i just dont want to take any chances of them going bad on me over night. so we are gonna keep close watch on em for...
  6. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    ?Thank you guys but one more question that BOTHERS me, is that much nutes gonna make them burn? cus it is a gallon of nutes/per plant and the amount is what i listed up top.
  7. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    oh right and the guy who watered them did so at one hour before light went out. is it best to do it as soon as lights go on?
  8. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    ok guys so at 11 last night EACH plant was fed a GALLON of fertilized water holding 10ml of biogrow,bioroot, 5ml of cal mag and 2.5 of bio weed. will they be ok? oh and they were sitting IN water the whole night up till now. oh and another thing they were fed one hour before lights went OUT. PLZ...
  9. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    Thank you. if anyone else has any kind of experience with this please share. He thinks they will be ok and is sitting in water over night bad? for 13hrs?
  10. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    I love my babies alot and the one who watered them thought it was 1 gallon per plant , how bad do you think it will get?
  11. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    but will it burn? or see any effects is what im looking to be answered. thank you
  12. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    what about the nutes cus it was one gallon with all that per plant will it burn?
  13. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    well i get it completely but that didnt answer much thank you. cus u can always just get out of the pool :P i didnt water them, someone else did so a good answer would be nice thank you
  14. pyschoanda

    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    ok guys so at 11 last night EACH plant was fed a GALLON of fertilized water holding 10ml of biogrow,bioroot, 5ml of cal mag and 2.5 of bio weed. will they be ok? oh and they were sitting IN water the whole night up till now. oh and another thing they were fed one hour before lights went OUT. PLZ...
  15. pyschoanda

    Got some leaf claws here need advice :)

    well from what i hear around 68 is the best temp for them so i dont think it has too much to do with it? :P could be wrong but thanks good suggestion.
  16. pyschoanda

    Got some leaf claws here need advice :)

    Im using Fox Farms Ocean Blend good stuff :) but need to solve this :/
  17. pyschoanda

    Got some leaf claws here need advice :)

    I bought them this last Tuesday.They are under 600w lights but they are only on 450 atm for 13hrs.Only two of plants seem to be doing this(both White W).I water them when the soil dries out and have not fert. them yet. Humidity is around 30-35% and the temp is at 70. Im thinking it is a...
  18. pyschoanda

    Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

    is spraying the plants with unsulphured molasses good for the leaf pores?
  19. pyschoanda

    Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

    So what can i do?
  20. pyschoanda

    Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

    My plants are funking out and i dont know if it is the soil? one plant is turning its bottom leaves yellow and all of them are starting to develop and alien form of stem can anyone help me? i thought it was heat until i noticed all of them like tht. your help or advice would be much appreciated...