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  1. One Leg Mike

    STONED?...What Music You Gonna Listen To Stoner
  2. One Leg Mike

    Small Leafs and Bare Branches

    Wait....those are 4-5 months old? And you're just now transplanting to a 5 gallon pot? have a problem!
  3. One Leg Mike

    White Widow - Male or Female?

    Wow!! Just...WOW! You seriously asked if that was male or female? Research my friend!! Read a bunch of threads searches, etc.......cause you're a long way from having a successful grow. Not trying to bash on you bro....just saying. Before long you'll be growing the...
  4. One Leg Mike

    Should I Do It?

    He's slow and he has crazy baby-mommas? FIND A NEW SPOT!!
  5. One Leg Mike

    Komas Frosty Nugg Calender

    Does anyone know if this is for dirt or Coco? With a PH of 6.4 I assume it's for dirt.....please let me know what you think. Thanks!!
  6. One Leg Mike

    Hot as hell!!!

    Spendy but this would do the trick for you.....
  7. One Leg Mike

    How Much Water?

    Water your plants, then lift them with one hand....kinda get a feel for what the weight is when they are topped off....when they start to feel light again, water...This isn't a hard-and-fast rule but it'll give you an 'average'. =) When they are flowering you'll probably be watering every other...
  8. One Leg Mike

    AN Feeding Schedule. Thoughts?

    Oh, no! I'm not using this. I'm just wondering what people think of it is all. And he never says on the video but I think it was for 5 gals of RO water according to one of the people that replied on Youtube.
  9. One Leg Mike

    AN Feeding Schedule. Thoughts?

    I just wanted to share this video and get some feedback on what you think. Please take a few and check it out. Does it look like a good, viable feeding schedule? Thanks!!
  10. One Leg Mike

    Komas Frosty Nugg Calender

    Check it out. If you want a copy of the chart you can contact the poster of this video and he will email you a zip file. You'll need Microsoft Works 9 to view it. Or you can just write it down. Just thought I'd share. :lol:
  11. One Leg Mike

  12. One Leg Mike

    What do you listen to when you smoke???
  13. One Leg Mike

    Got my Mojo going on,,,,,,

    The light coming from the skull is'll be fine. =)
  14. One Leg Mike

    To Hide A Grow Closet.

    Got a friend you trust? Ask him/her to hold on to them for you until the inspection is over???
  15. One Leg Mike

    what strain smells like flintstones vitamins?

    No clue....but if it turns out to be the dank he could call it "Yabba Dabba Blue"....Just a stoned thought.
  16. One Leg Mike

    Fridge Grow 400 And 250 Hps

    I personally would just use the 400 and make sure to throw in another exhaust/intake fan to help. You won't really need any side lighting in such a confined space. But again, like it's been said HEAT is still gonna be an issue.
  17. One Leg Mike

    ******what do u need to get 200onces per crop ? *******

    Here's how this thread is gonna work out...LOL...He's gonna tell us a story about him sitting around with his buddies smoking tough and talking shit about how much weed they have grown, or know someone who has grown the UBER garden. Then the pissing match starts..."Oh yeah?! How much could you...
  18. One Leg Mike

    Super Soil Results

    Yeah, I'm super curious to try this out ( SUB's SS ) after my current grow is over. SUB has been so frigging helpful to us and I just want to give a shout-out to him and his willingness to help out anyone! That said....You ROCK SUB! Keep up the awesome job!
  19. One Leg Mike

    My Mind Playing Tricks On Me