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  1. Z

    DAY 14 - First Grow

    Beautiful! good job keep us updated!:weed:
  2. Z

    Planting in Topsoil with Peat Moss

    depends on how big it is if its about as big as your pinky finger nail put 1-2 more, i hear ya first time i started i worried about them all the time, that will change they are pretty tough plants they're called weed cause thats what they are a weed lol just. The plant will tell you what it...
  3. Z


    I know your pain the gf let her cat in my grow room once and umm......yeah. anyways it pulled everyone of them out of their pots by the time i found it and them there was no saving them and it compliments of the deuce deuce fuckin cats they flock to that shit like cat nip. It could be nitro def...
  4. Z

    How do I Strengthen and Thicken My Stem?

    Hmm you can try doing some LST plus the fan it may take a lil while but it has worked for me in the past. I usually start LST when mine get about 6'' to 8'' tall
  5. Z

    Help Please. Big Problem!

    $149 home depot free shipping might as well get one cause im sure you're sweating balls i live in texas and it's hot and humid like a mother
  6. Z

    How Long is too Long for Plants to Sit in Un-nuted Soil?

    I'm goin with Vin, I usually dont add nutes until my cotyledons (seed leaves) start drying up and then i make it a weak mixture and work my way up to the full recomended mixture and yes drainage is very very important and plus i use the drainage holes to check when i need to water by sticking my...
  7. Z

    Help Please. Big Problem!

    early harvest fella or go buy a cheapo window unit
  8. Z

    Planting in Topsoil with Peat Moss

    Yeah that'll work you just wanna make sure they have good drainage if you haven't already done it poke some holes in the bottom of the cups
  9. Z

    Experiment got any ideas?

    Whenever i come across a pretty special satchel of bud i tend to keep some seeds out of it, if it has any. Well i germ'd one and got it going as soon as it's seed leaves popped out I only vegged for 2 days and then put it on 12/12 for shits and giggles. Well the seed leaves and stalk are now...