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    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Why? Scared? Over here, everybody is growing illegally, just don't get caught...
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    What kind are we all planting?

    Sweet :D Just been into London. Got some White Widow. Looks like this years grow is stepping up a level :D
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    Yield vs Height: is there an equation?

    I wouldn't take too many variables into an equation like this. You would probably use as few variables as the lumens, plant height and bud sites. It would take too long and be very impossible to take something too deep. But something very rough could be made.
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    What kind are we all planting?

    New Purple Power and whatever i buy tomorrow when i go seed shopping :D, what do you think i should get? My choice is pretty huge (central London, many head shops :D)
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    I just heard that moving seedlings outside directly is a bad idea. So i thought that maybe germinating seeds indoors then moving sprouted seeds outdoors and planting them may cause trouble.
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    Another question, if i germinate seeds indoors (paper towel) and plant outdoors once the root sprouts, will this shock the seeds? Will i have problems? Would it be better to plant them directly outside?
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    Thanks for the wisdom man. So, the longer i wait, the better? I'm not sure if i can wait that long... Too damn exciting, I'm heading into London tomorrow to maybe buy 10 or so more good seeds of a different strain. Any more tips on hiding plants? How many people would actually recognize them...
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    I have considering erecting small fences, but i would rather if somebody came across my plants, they just looked over them. Than saw a shit load of fence and got too interested.
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    I'm gonna try and plant these babies asap, so I'm looking at a 5 month growing period. Any good tips on hiding grows?
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    Outdoor Growing Questions

    This year I'm gonna pop my cherry, I'm gonna lose my marijuana growing virginity. I'm going to do it outside. Ive been looking up some places to grow on Google Earth. I have a few planned to go check out on my bike, but first i have some questions. 1) I cant start plants off indoors, so would...