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  1. iloveweedallday

    advanced nutrients, fox farm, earth juice

    Where's the difference between earth juice and advanced nutrients besides price. Earth juice is 50% less and it seems like they have the same products however organic? Any answer would be awesome
  2. iloveweedallday

    1st grow nirvana bubblicious just harvested

    i got 3 going right now :) auto-flower. they are 19 days in and KICKING ASS! I still gotta put up pics
  3. iloveweedallday

    My first hydro grow

    great root porn ;)
  4. iloveweedallday

    400W flowering White rhino, ICE, Rocklock. (Flower since May 20)

    oh man lookin' REAL good. you should get more reflective light in there.. would get bigger buds IMO. can't wait to see this in a few weeks .. DENSE ASS BUDS!!! <3
  5. iloveweedallday

    *** JAC's First Grow*** Jack The Ripper and Mazar x Skunk 1 Grow Tent SCROG**

    well i guess i'm not sure exactly what Jack strain is supposed to look like but your babies lookin' REAL stressed...a little mutant too :P should grow just fine as you've realized that you're burning your babies with ur not-so-needed nutes. just give them water mang.. and during flowering amp...
  6. iloveweedallday

    My 3 Nirvana Bubbalicious grow under 400HPS LOOKING GREAT...

    My 3 Nirvana Bubbalicious grow under 400HPS LOOKING GREAT!
  7. iloveweedallday

    Indoor Grow Tent set up

    what seeds you gettin???? :) you're set up should be pretty good.. Heat will be an issue... angle ur fan towards ur light.. unless u got a cool tube then ur all set ! smoke all dayyyyyy yo ;)
  8. iloveweedallday

    The 400w Bat Cave-Attic Grow Nirvana Multi-Strain

    wow. you got $$$$ and brains. good for you. I'm really curious what the buds r gonna look like let's see it!
  9. iloveweedallday

    Apartment Smell

    yeah just make a DIY ONA Bucket. youtube ONA bucket.
  10. iloveweedallday

    750 Watt CFL grow - bud porn about 4 weeks flowering 16sq foot - input needed

    i think you got more problems that supersede the thought of fattening the buds... but the last 2 weeks or week and ahalf you want to cut the fan leaves so the plant focuses all it's energy in producing buds
  11. iloveweedallday

    should i go back into veg ?

    you should def just flower those.... next time know that you want a bigger plant and veg them sexy bitches for longer... you can def veg if you want... but i think it may stress just a little too much. 1 weeks is on the fence for being toooo stressful
  12. iloveweedallday

    How Hot Is Too Hot?

    OK this seems like it would be too simple to be a good fix...but TRUST MEE it works real well. Just angle a good fan towards your light towards your exhaust. HUGE help.. like 10degrees difference. I'm curious why your having heat issues... is it cause your growing in a closed...
  13. iloveweedallday

    Need Help ON First Grow Indoors

    hey man... i'm really happy to hear how excited you are about all this. I actually am growing a few feminized auto-flower bubbalicious seeds from nirvana. I can vouch for them and they are great. my plants just can't stop growing. You seem like the type of person to put germinate your seeds...
  14. iloveweedallday

    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    What soil? How tall? How long did they veg and what day are they on in the flowering stage? What nutes if any..? Any other sweet info.. ? I'm just about to start mybubblicious grow. I'll be following this thread.