The 400w Bat Cave-Attic Grow Nirvana Multi-Strain

• Place: Attic 2 rooms (270 ft3 each)
• Medium: Hydroton, Coco, Soil, Perlite
• Nutrients: GH3 bloom, micro, grow
• Additives: GH FloraNectar, Epsom Salt, H202
• Average pH: roughly 5.3-5.9
• Average Room Temp. Day(77-85) Night (70's)
• Meter: Digital pH meter +-0.10
• Process: Ebb and Flow, Flood and Drain (2x4 table), Coco, Soil
• Net Potsize: 8 - 3.5" net pots veg, 8 soil flowering, 12 coco veg, 16 rooting clones
• Method: LST (low Stress Training) Considering ScrOG
• Hood: 6" Air cooled tube reflector double parabolic arc white
• Light: 400W MH for Vegatative and or 400W HPS for Flowering (currently HPS but was MH), many CFL bulbs in the veg room, using soft and cool white bulbs combined.
• Ventilation: 8" Oscillating fan, Window AC Unit, 2 - 5" corner fans, a 250cfm 6" Duct blower fan is for the 400w HID light, exterior attic ventilation and back of AC unit ventilation to outside.

Marijuana Type

1. AK-48 (fem)
2. Master Kush (fem)
3. Northern Lights (fem)
4. Ice
5. Abominable Kush
6. Luna Haze
7. Spunky

This is my first grow and im just starting out. I've got a bunch of clones and new varieties coming. I ordered almost half of Nirvanas seed inventory and a couple of other companies. 16 new strains coming in total. right now i have some bagseed, and all the other names listed above. I have a batch of Ice, AK48 clones coming. they should be rooted by the end of the week I'd say. Just wanted to show everyone and see what your feed back is. I was growing in alot smaller of a place until i was forced to move to a more discreet place. I like to think of it as my bat cave. I hear bats up there when I'm working all the time. I work nights and its also hot as hell during the day so the lights are on at night 9pm to 9am. I'm planning for my next batch to be massive. I'm going to experiment with growing the biggest and best plants in the space I have. The beams will hold up the buds and will be LST into the best configuration. I've got some wire and ill probable make a super high screen where the beams are and hang light under the canopy too. I've got enough space to try all different methods to see which works best for my situation.


thanks guys, it has taken a fair amount of money but ive kept costs back on virtually everything finding it at the cheapest possible prices. alot of it came from ebay, amazon, and other websites, and my friendly city hydroponics store. the guy that works there is cool shit and gives me alot of great advice. all his products are quality and a bit pricey but well worth it. i had all this stuff in my basement and a closet but i had to move it due to some shitty circumstances. when i moved up there it was pretty ghetto with a couple boards for a floor and i hung my AC from the crossmembers to cut down on vibrations. i built it bit by bit slowly improving it and refining it to keep it cooler. temps were 110 when i moved up at first. now im sitting comfortably in the 70s nad 80s. light run at night so the hottest times of day are at night for the plants and being combated by my AC. it does pretty well for 5000btu, high 80s at peak heat. all the plants were in a state of shock pretty much and slowed growth to a crawl basically. the plants have finally just started to blow up. i was startig to worry and get impatient. also those plants in the flower stage had cfls flowering them before i moved to the attic. i want to start running CO2, but its pretty expensive. i found all of my wood i use for floors and everything. the plastic i found at the hydroponic store is amazing. blacksided and whitesided poly plastic sheeting 10'x100'. i use it for alot of stuff, its great. completely light proof plastic. i was so dumb and called everywhere in town looking for light proof plastic and there was absolutely nothing close to it. I also need to get another AC for my veg room. im stupid again bcuz i put it in the flower room and it would be more beneficial in veg then flower. plants like cooler in veg and hotter in flowering obviously, i.e. the temps in at the start of the season and then hot summer. i guess i could find some southern equator strains that loves hotter temps and grow them. it would def save me money on the electrical bills haha. well thats me ranting so ill stop now. time for some buckets and working on it. just preping pots for all coco/perlite grow +30 new plants.
update- im a dumbass and almost fried my clones. knocked the lid off and the almost dried my little bitches out. like 2 hours 10 inches away from a 4ft utility light. luckily i sprayed thoroughly and they all seem to come back. the leaves are shrivled on 2 of them and the rest look good as new. luckily i went up the soon enough before any real drying out could take place. i was going to take 8 more earlier too, glad i didn't. im going to tomorrow probably.