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  1. D

    2 Lights from one ballast

    All hail's called a "flip-flop" Light Switch.
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    2 Lights from one ballast

    I saw this in a thread previously, but I can't find it now: What kind of switch do I need to run my 2 grow rooms on alternating 12-12 cycles from one ballast? (That's simplifying it, actually to run 12 lights from 6 ballasts). I want to run my ballasts 24-7 and just use the switch to alternate...
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    Spider Mites!

    I just had a spider mite problem. Didn't catch it until it had develpoed into an infestation. The little fuckers had cast nets over my buds on three of my plants. So I just pulled them out and doused them thoroughly under the sink sprayer. Figured it rains outside, so why not? Knocked off all...
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    I have worms

    "I got worms" is the name of the pet store me and Harry were going to open...
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    Do they monitor Electricity Usage? 5 pages of responses we have one actual news report of a bust from power consumption (and that was 4 years ago). Everything else is anecdotal at best. There's your answer.
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    HPS, MH, Floros, Phillips Cermamic Metal Halide has 'em all beat.

    The idiot/intelligent ratio on forums typically runs even higher than in daily life. Most of these people don't have anyone to listen to their conspiracy theory rants in person, so they come here and spout off to a captive audience. Don't take offense, if you had posted "Water is wet and cures...
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    99 Plants - Best Yield: How Would You Do It?

    Again, I'm looking strictly for total yield. Sea of Green and Omega gardens are both good options if you are looking for grams per watt. I don't have to maximize yield from a small space or a limited light source. I want to maximize yield per plant. I don't care if I'm getting 1/2 gram per watt...
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    99 Plants - Best Yield: How Would You Do It?

    That's good, but not near what I'm looking for. Your estimate uses a mere 6000 watts, I'm thinking closer to 25,000. Startup cost and power consumption is really not a concern. 25 pounds at 1/2 GPW beats hell out of 10 pounds at 1 GPW for my purposes. I need to only maximize yield from 99...
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    99 Plants - Best Yield: How Would You Do It?

    Indoor grow: 198 Plants running at any given time. 2 Rooms with never more than 99 plants in each. Will be various strains (mostly indicas and hybrids). Absolutely no other limitations. I can use as many lights as needed and any indoor method to grow. I can construct shelves, ducting, and...
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    Htg supply purchase.

    I had a very good experience with them as well. You can do better on price, but the service is good and shipping is discreet.
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    Aero clones leaving for vacation...not done.

    I have a home built aero-cloner and never have to use a dome. Here the RH hovers around 15-20% in the winter.
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    Aero clones leaving for vacation...not done.

    If they have a steady mist on the roots the tops will not dry out. Just throw the dome over the top and have a good vacation. Make sure your pump is running right and you have fresh water in it before you leave. By the time you get back they should have full roots and show light to moderate...
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    UK growers beware of false widow spider!!!

    Excellent point! However, over half the scientists named on the report have requested that their names be removed from it because of inaccuracies and unconfirmed speculation. Oh, and it was 600 scientists and they determined that humans were "very likely" the cause of global warming ("very...
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    Omega Garden

    Cinderella 99, 4 weeks into flowering. I started her at about 6", looks like she'll finish under 12". I think I've got a candidate for my first Volksgrow.
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    Sorry to post here, question about a non- pot plant.

    If you think that looks like this, then yes. It's a rubber plant.
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    Tanning :)

    The Brief Answer: NO you cannot get a tan, but you can get a sunburn. Mr. Wizard says: MH emits mentionable levels of UVB, HPS does not. Neither provides UVA. There is extensive discussion regarding adding UVB (a reptile light or the like) to your grow during flowering. Some (Ed Rosenthal...
  17. D

    Swamp cooler?`

    From the ad you linked: "Because this product is not vented and no installation is required, it cannot cool the whole room, it is a personal air conditioner and blows cold air to where it is pointing. Lot colder more than any air cooler or a fan." I just thought that was funny, "colder...
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    UK growers beware of false widow spider!!!

    All Hail Al Gore! There is no indiputable evidence that human beings have had any long-term effect on global temperatures. Watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and "An Inconvenient Truth" on the same day and then come back with an informed opinion. If you have studied both sides and still...
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    Swamp cooler?`

    A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler. All it will do is raise your humidity to unacceptable levels. There are many options when shopping for AC, we'd need to know your setup and budget to advise one over another. Start by searching for "Portable Air Conditioner", "Split System Air...
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    Someone must know: How much does a grower get paid?

    The guy runs a co-op, so he has no interest in doing it himself. He's just tired of dealing with the vendors and wants to cut a couple out. There's some seedy mofo's out there peddling to the medical shops.