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  1. AutoBudz

    LED users please come inside

    Ihave been researching LEDs as well. Check out this LED grow case study, it's a pretty informative read
  2. AutoBudz

    The most over rated strains

    The most over rated strain? The strains I pay an arm and a leg for, off local dealers that is shit and overpriced.
  3. AutoBudz

    Herbies Head Shops Seeds

    So their stealth is good? The first time I ever ordered seeds from overseas they got confiscated haha. I don't wanna shell out money again if the same will happen.
  4. AutoBudz

    Black Pearl from high grade seeds

    Thanks for the info. Paint thinner? What a narcotic smell! How did you find the pearl growing wise, was it easy to work with?
  5. AutoBudz

    honestly how does this look for day 35 flower ?

    44 girls? That's beautiful. Excellent work here 709
  6. AutoBudz

    Black Pearl from high grade seeds

    Hey all, I've been browsing around various sites, forums etc. Looking for a high yeilding powerful buzz strain to grow. I stumbled accross a few old threads on another forum about the Black Pearl from high grade seeds. They call it a "super strain". The thread I read said it yielded 160gr...
  7. AutoBudz

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    They still have them listed on their site
  8. AutoBudz

    DinaFem White Widow Auto

    No I went with the wallet option. Perhaps I should have went with the t-shirt haha.
  9. AutoBudz

    honestly how does this look for day 35 flower ?

    Excellent SOG bro! How many girls you got there?
  10. AutoBudz

    DinaFem White Widow Auto

    I wasn't until I got my "stealth" package with that dreaded letter inside haha. I figured the same thing would happen if I tried again so I just avoided it. While local seedbanks do have a great variety, they don't seem to carry WWAs.
  11. AutoBudz

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    Interesting. What type of setup? I'm planning on using DWC
  12. AutoBudz

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    I would think 12 weeks and that's about it for autos. It is indeed one of the longer ones out there, quite comparable to a normal strain flower length. I am too trying to decide a strain to grow that has high yield and potency. However I am not interested in a 10 week flower period. I'm aiming...
  13. AutoBudz

    Order in canada Good selection of autos on both sites.
  14. AutoBudz

    anyone try this seedbank?

    about to do an order on gtaseedbank right now. My order from overseas was taken at customs so I cannot order from Europe again so I have to stay local. Any recommendations? I was looking at the northern lights auto from greenhouse seeds
  15. AutoBudz

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    I accidentally posted in white. Here is what it says Mazar - DUTCH PASSIONAutoMazar is a remarkably heavy-yielding autoflowering hybrid between our legendary Mazar and a Ruderalis/Indica. Mazar is a triple prize winner, a best seller praised for its potency, high yields and soft taste...
  16. AutoBudz

    what is the best auto/femi for yield and for THC contains

    There are higher yeilders out there. Check out A company called Auto SEEDS has a strain call the "Auto pounder". I've posted another below from dutch passion. Stay high my friends Mazar - DUTCH PASSIONAutoMazar is a remarkably heavy-yielding autoflowering hybrid between our...
  17. AutoBudz

    DinaFem White Widow Auto

    Excellent looking girl you've got there! I'm interested in doing a White Widow auto but I need the beans from a Canadian seed bank. I've searched but I cannot track any down. Any suggestions?
  18. AutoBudz

    Need Some Quick Help : First Time Grower

    From what I have heard Northern lights does very well outside in Canada. Not sure what part of Canada your from but here where I live we have a short summer which isnt the hottest and people can grow them fairly well here. If I am wrong please correct.
  19. AutoBudz

    Auto Flowering Pakistan Ryder

    So I ordered 3 Autoflowering Pakistan Ryder seeds from the Attitude seed bank and I was wondering if anyone has grown these before or knows anything about auto flowering Weed in general? I plan on growing them in a filing cabinet that I have began to turn into a small grow box. This will be...
  20. AutoBudz

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey all, my name is Ryan, I live in Canada and I am interested in learning how to grow. I have not yet grown any Marijuana but I have some seeds on the way so I am hoping to soon have my first grow! I will post pics in a few weeks once the grow is under way. Peace