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  1. X

    lower/mid leaves yellowing AGAIN

    Anyone have any ideas?
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    lower/mid leaves yellowing AGAIN

    So I gotta say, this is about the 3rd post I've made on this same problem, and it just doesnt seem to want to go away, let me start of with my grow box specs. 125 watt cfl. 20-4 light times (changing to 12-12 soon tho so I'm worried) 12 ml micro 6ml gro, and 3ml of bloom for the nutes ph is 6.0...
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    Lower leaves, tips yellowing. Not mag deficiency?

    Fantastic. Thanks for the quick replies. I will bring up the ph and start spraying with the salt mix.
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    Lower leaves, tips yellowing. Not mag deficiency?

    So about a week ago i posted the same sort of thread, saying the lower leaves ( since then it has gotten higher and higher) had begun to have yellowing tips. After talking it over everyone seemed to agree that it was a magnesium dificiency, so i went out and bought some epsom salt, added it to...
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    Sweet fast bud autoflowering

    I once heard someone say, before you even think to germinate your seeds, have a plan, a set of goals, and your gear ready to go. This can take some time. Like Mr.Football said, there's no way we can tell you which way works best, without much for details go, we could go on for hours.
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    Lower leaves turning yellow.

    And it doesnt have to be PURE epsom salt? A little perfume won't hurt my girls? Bitches love perfume.
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    Lower leaves turning yellow.

    This is a pretty stupid question, but where would i go about finding a bag of epsom salt? Hardware store or something? I tried google but the only thing that came up was skin/body care stores. EDIT:: Okay so i managed to find a few places that sell it convieniently located a few blocks from...
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    Lower leaves turning yellow.

    I do use tap water that has been sitting for at least 24 hours. for the chlorine and what not. So if i need more magnesium, would i just up the dosage of the particular bottle of nutrients that contains magnesium? Or would that throw off the cycle? And sorry i really should have added, the pots...
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    Lower leaves turning yellow.

    Okay so I posted this problem a while back, and I was told a few solutions that didnt seem to work. Like I said, the lower leaves are turning yellow, and the upper leaves are beggining to look a little lighter as well. I'm on a 20/4 cycle. Ph is a little over 6. I'm watering every 2-3 days...
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    Lower Leaves Yellowing?

    I realize i should spring for the ph meter, but is there any way to stabilize the iron levels asap? From the photo can you tell if the levels are too high or low? If so i could try to balance it out by other means.
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    Lower Leaves Yellowing?

    I have a feeding program sheet that was made by the company i bought my nutrients off of, and it does indeed say to include all three.
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    Lower Leaves Yellowing?

    How do i stabilize the iron levels? I read an article specifically on iron deficiency and it seemed to hit the nail on the head. I know you said check ph levels, but I don't really want to drop 40-60$ on a ph meter for this specifically. Any easy solutions?
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    Lower Leaves Yellowing?

    No i don't have a ph, or a ppm meter. For nutrient regiment im going 5ml flora micro, 10 ml flora gro, and 3 ml flora bloom.
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    Lower Leaves Yellowing?

    So like I said the lower leaves on my girls are yellowing. The plants are three weeks in, on a 20/4 light cycle, under a 125 watt fl. Started to feed them nutes after about week 1.5-2. I've read this is happening because the light isnt getting through the higher foliage thus killing off the...
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    New plant totally gibbled?

    What exactly is coco? Can you give me some details. I'm going to the hardware store today to try and pick up some tubing and extra fans to try to cool down my box anyway.
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    Different Methods to cool a grow box.

    The average temp outside here is around 70-77f. I have my intake a little higher, and my exhause a little lower. I know this is a little bit switched up. BUT! The ventilation hole was originally intended for a second exhast (because it is close to the top), but after I installed the fan and what...
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    Different Methods to cool a grow box.

    I have a growbox, that is about 3ft tall, 1.5 ft wide, and 3.5 ft long. (probably came out weird.) I'm using a 125 true watt cfl on 24 hours a day. If I don't open my grow box up every 10 hours or so, my temps can reach the high nineties. I have an intake fan, an exhaust fan, and another fan...
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    New plant totally gibbled?

    I'm using a 125 true watt cfl. It's on 24 hours a day. I don't exactly water everyday, but i do mist the leaves everyday. one thing i jusr realized, (and probably should have a long time ago) that could help a TON, is switching to a 20 on 4 off, or something similar. As for soil, I used...
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    New plant totally gibbled?

    Well the plant that is in the pot beside it looks great. Besides the fact that it's a little short due to the high temperature. I should have posted a picture of te healthy plant as a reference. I don't know here. Any other thoughts? I really need to cool the box down in general. But I...
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    New plant totally gibbled?

    I usually water them once every day, depending on how dry the soil is. It's not miracle grow soil, it's soil from a local gardening company that assured me the soil was good for me "unique and specific needs". I dont know how credible they are. But like I said, of my two plants, the one that...