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    load of shit
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    Setting up a small grow in a rented house

    Hi, Has anyone here set up a grow in a rented property before? I'm needing to move from where I live now to a rented property, and wanting to set up a 30 plant grow but i'm concerned about neighbours, noise, smell etc... especially in a terraced house where both neighbours are joined on to the...
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    Unusal appraoch for getting nitrogen to your plants

    So not a good idea with hydro then.,...and yeah, I just thought why pay for nitrogen if I can produce it for free
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    Unusal appraoch for getting nitrogen to your plants

    I got speaking to an old geezer as the bus stop, he had been tending to his allotment. We got in conversation as the bus was late, and got talking about tomotoes, so I asked him if he had any gardening tips. As it happen he had loads, but the one thing that stood out was that he uses his...
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    HG Hydroponics

    AVOID THIS SITE, unless you don't mind, Having secondhand/damaged goods passed on as new Poorly packed items No reply to phone messages or emails Missing items Looks like i'm going to have to just write of my losses... How does this company stay in bussiness with such poor service I don't...
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    *** How to get the Best Yeild durring Flowering Cycle ***

    Keeping the right temps, nutes, PH thoughout, I use hydro and 5.8 is best, but I let it go up to 6.2 as some nutrients can't be uptaken by the plant at 5.8 People also use LST, pruning, Scrog to increase yields
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    tips on fast drying??

    I use a heat matt with a thermostat, but I don't go over 28c as THC can break down when the temp hits over 30c....and if you dry it too quick it will be a harsher smoke than if you let it dry naturally over a week ps...It still takes 4/5 days of drying using the heat matt
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    Strongest Sativa?

    AK47 has been one of the strongest sativas i've grown.
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    It's A Fuct World

    Hi Al, Quick question. I realise now that for successful clones I need mother plants, as you advised me in an earlier post. I need 10-12 clones every 4 weeks, how many mother plants do I really need? less the better for me. I have a feeling you're going to say 4? I do deviate away from your...
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    The inside scoop on hydroton.

    First i've heard of it. Surprised cos there's loads of clay lying about in England
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    It's A Fuct World

    The 'Get a harvest every two weeks' thread had photos on it 6 weeks ago, I know cos I read it then. sort it out ADMIN
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    It's A Fuct World

    Hi Al, Just a quick message to say thanks for the info you've provided over the years. your information has been the most helpful for me and my learning of correct grow procedure. I have scoured a lot of cannabis boards, but your threads on here presented me with a wealth of...
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    stems purple??

    purple stems can mean a phosphurus deficiency...? but could be as suggested above....eventualy your plant will shed it's skin on the stem as it gets thicker, then it should be green.
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    Watering for hydroton outside of Flood + Drain (unusual question)

    Hi, I am setting up a flood and drain system, not going to be ready for a few days, but my plants need transplanting. I'm going to be using Hydroton clay pebbles but in the mean time I need to transplant them now and top feed in a seperate plants are have rooted using jiffy pellets...
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    When can I put my seedlings under a MH?

    As mentioned you can use MH for veg, this is what it is best for, because of the blue light it gives off is more suited to the veg cycle
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    New grow set up, big step up

    Thanks for the replies. I have not set it up yet so got no pics
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    New grow set up, big step up

    Hi, I have done two successful grows now, and I have decided to step up my grow room so it's bigger and better than ever. Before I had a 1.2m secret jardin tent with a 400w hps light using coco. My new set up is as follows. 2.4x1.2x2m tent two 600w hps light two flood and drain (ebb+flow)...
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    My Super Grow Room

    Good thread, got to see the results of Snoops first grow, and all the haters and well jels can suck dick, cos this is a great grow journal. The main down point is wading through all the knob head replies Snoop got, not surprised he didn't bother documenting his next grow.
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    Jack Herer 1st newbie grow final pics

    Thanks for the replies. The wait is a bugger, especially if you're out of weed!!!! You know I think you may be right about shutting up shop to early, will keep at least three of them on another week or so, although one appears to be more mature than the others and under the microscope a few of...
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    Jack Herer 1st newbie grow final pics

    Hi All, I'm nearing the end of my first grow, and quite a ride it has been. Mistake have been made, or as I like to call them, learning curves. I grew 4 Jack Herer mostly sativa seeds in coco using canna a and b nutes with some PK. The biggest mistake I made was not realising that coco has no...