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  1. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    added 4 more lights. I dont know how much bigger I can handle in the closet....maybe another foot and then i have to stop them from growing any more....not gonna have enough lights to do more. The plastic cages on the lights are working well to keep the plants mentioned using the high...
  2. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    well after looking over my garden and closet situation i have decided i want to add 4 more lights since i dont want to remove the top off the aerogarden. I am guessing there is about 6 more inches of upward growspace so pretty soon im gonna change to the flowering bulbs and change to 12 on 12...
  3. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    Dig Camera died for a week or so. These are the pics i have so far. Any easy good tips on eliminating smells? The hottest it gets so far in the closet is like 85 degrees with the door shut. I usually is left open. The lights i got were Daylight bulbs and 4 27watt cfls.... 5500k. I think. Found...
  4. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    I have a tiny fan but an oscilating one sounds better. The plants are really shooting up and sucking down the water. Going to post some pics when I get home. Stopping by home depot later to pick up some wood lights and accessories to make the grow better. I am worried about the heat tho. With...
  5. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    Got some pics from a few days before the most recent pics that I fogot to post. Now ive got a bunch. Changed the water and added more nutes this time. As of today its been 4 weeks. Going to stop at a hardware store in the next couple days and get more lights and more setup. Not sure how I am...
  6. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    As far as the heat goes....temp with door closed is typically 80 degrees. I have the door open often when im home to maintain it around 74-76 degrees. Would root rot affect the leaves? I dont see any problems with the grow sponges...i mean it is an aerogarden so whenever its on its puttin water...
  7. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    So I started a third but its barely started. Got the other 2 going strong it looks but the ones leaves look funny. I need to get some more lights but cant afford them till payday. Not sure how im gonna putem up but i have to think of something. Take a look at the roots? The bigger plant has 2...
  8. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    Thanks for the info. I will try to get those covers back on..they all came off :(. Also I changed the water and added a very small amount of nutes. The new baby looks awesome but its older "sister" is not looking so good. Looks like nute burn but I put WAY less than even HALF that was even...
  9. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    so I now have 1 more plant started the green color on its leaf is beautiful and really dark. Its almost touching the little dome. Trying to get some other seeds to sprout and grow. Would like to have 3 plants total. The other plant that started is a couple inches tall and doing nicely. The new...
  10. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    So 14 days in and only 1 plant growing. The other 3 died. Started 3 more far one for sure is gonna make it. The first plant is a couple inches tall and looking healthy as can be. No nut's yet. Also after the 2nd day having my setup made i had to dissasemble and wait 3 days cause...
  11. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    So your saying I should suspend the ag hood above the plants? interesting but I cant even get the top to come off of the extension. Mine raises up a couple feet causes its the pro elite 200 wonder if it still wont be enough. I could always use the nutes that came with the aerogarden I have...
  12. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    Day 1... First I checked the ph levels in the Aerogarden...Ive had it running for several the ph to where it should be and planted my first 4 sprouts. Gonna sprout another seed and put 1 more plant. This aerogarden is a pro elite 200. It has a total of 7 open slots. One of which...
  13. D

    Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL

    Starting on sprouting my seeds. I have my aerogarden, I have an empty closet, I have my nutrients (foxfarm) although I bought the ones for soil and i am doing hydro so i hope they will still work cause there is not returning them. Also I have my ph kit. I noticed alot of you break the aerogarden...
  14. D


    So this grow was a fail obviously or i would have put more info. Going to be starting a new grow in an aerogarden. Hoping better luck than last time. I had a few problems last time that i dont think i may have this time.
  15. D

    yellow leaves on the bottom

    This grow turned into a fail. The plants grew very tall didnt bush out at all. Soil may not have been my friend. The water looked funny after passing through the soil in the pot and almost positive lack of nutrients and ph balance. Gonna start a new grow in an aerogarden in a few days...hope...
  16. D


    cant see the pics :(
  17. D

    Packaging-Shipping / aerogarden/nutrients

    SO, i finally bought my aerogarden and my nutrients.....the easiest way for me to do so and be inconspicuous at least somewhat was to buy my nutrients on an auction website and and asked the sender to use plain packaging. Most hydroponic supply places put there name in the address and that was...
  18. D

    Packaging-Shipping / aerogarden/nutrients

    I am interested in purchasing an Aerogarden which I will be ordering from the manufacturer. I am slightly concerned about what may be said on the packaging. Little worried about the Aerogarden but more worried regarding the FoxFarm nutrients I want to order. Most websites I find have "hydro" or...
  19. D

    yellow leaves on the bottom

    Can someone pls advise me. My one plant is about 1 ft tall and the leaves on the bottom ar turing yellowish. The leaves on the top are green. What do i do? Thanks
  20. D


    I recently heard that when you grow marijuana it starts to smell very strong. Does it? If so what do you do to keep the smell out. I currently am growing some in my closet and want to make sure my neighbors dont smell it when it gets bigger. Thanks