Guess what.....a new grow!!! LOL


Active Member
Starting on sprouting my seeds. I have my aerogarden, I have an empty closet, I have my nutrients (foxfarm) although I bought the ones for soil and i am doing hydro so i hope they will still work cause there is not returning them. Also I have my ph kit. I noticed alot of you break the aerogarden to extend the light and have more room to this completely necessary? I payed for an expensive model and would really prefer not to break it. Is it possible to grow a shorter bushy plant? I mean if i really have to break it I would only have like maybe 2 feet left for growing maybe 2.5 feet tops.

Once I get my garden setup and rdy to plant the babies how many plants should i grow? I have 7 holes 1 of which will have my bubble stones. maybe 3-4? I dont want them to get to crowded but I definately want a thick bushy grow especially If I end up having to stay short. How long will it take for you to be able to sex the plants? you only want the females right? From what ive read I think males are the ones that polinate the female and cause seeds?

How many cfls extra do you think i will need? i was planning on buying 6 to put in the 2 socket thing and put them around the plants. Am I going to end up needing more light? What watts would be good? Im so paranoid that this isnt going to work /cry...:wall:

on another note, I got my doctor to prescribe me Marinol/Dronanbinol > legal pill form weed.....= synthetic thc. We will see how they work and compare. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Nutrients made for soil will not always work in hydro.Its a different chemical breakdown than in soil and depending on how your plants take it will determine the lilely hood of the plants.
I would add 2- 105w.(400w. equivalent)..And you can take the AG hood off without breaking it..Who breaks thier AG?
If you dont mind..under what conditions did your doc put u on marinol??Thats a good idea for me..Id love to try that!


Active Member
Day 1...

First I checked the ph levels in the Aerogarden...Ive had it running for several the ph to where it should be and planted my first 4 sprouts. Gonna sprout another seed and put 1 more plant. This aerogarden is a pro elite 200. It has a total of 7 open slots. One of which has my air tubing for the bubble stones.

Instead of making the pump run 24/7 I have the whole unit on a timer that shuts it all off and turns it all on when scheduled. Have the timer set to 20 on 4 off.

No nutrients in the water yet, ive read it can damage the plants when sprouting and starting.

Nervous about posting pictures on this website, Ive been a member for a while but still nervous about uploading files from my computer...any suggestions or reassurance would be nice.

You think 5 plants will be to many in the aerogarden? I just wanted it symetrical :P


Active Member
Nutrients made for soil will not always work in hydro.Its a different chemical breakdown than in soil and depending on how your plants take it will determine the lilely hood of the plants.
I would add 2- 105w.(400w. equivalent)..And you can take the AG hood off without breaking it..Who breaks thier AG?
If you dont mind..under what conditions did your doc put u on marinol??Thats a good idea for me..Id love to try that!
So your saying I should suspend the ag hood above the plants? interesting but I cant even get the top to come off of the extension. Mine raises up a couple feet causes its the pro elite 200 wonder if it still wont be enough. I could always use the nutes that came with the aerogarden I have plenty of them. Now that I looked at the bottles again I think the foxfarm nutes I got are the right ones for hydro........I am stupid... the foxfarm logo says: "Fox Farm"
"Soil and Fertilizer Company"

"Marinol / Dronanbinol"
I currently have a health condition and the medication they are treating me with makes me vomit and nauseated, plus if it werent for smoke I would probably be losing weight which I really dont need to be doing. So far been taking it a week and dont notice much difference then again I probably should quit smoking If I want to see if the pill actually works.

The drugs primary uses are to increase appetite, reduce nausea and vomiting. Although others have gotten it prescribed somehow for other problems such as: chronic pain (back, wrist etc... anywhere) also for A.D.D., Cancer patients, HIV/AIDS patients, diabetes. Pretty much any "health condition" If you dont have a "health condition" of any sort you probably are gonna have a hard time getting your own scrip from your doctor. Ive heard of it being used to help treat mood...unsure whether it was in reference to depression or anxiety but ive read reviews of it working for people with those problems as well.

Definately something to checkout.


Well-Known Member
HAHA i am on 4 mg. XR xanax a day.2 of the 24 hour pills.Looks like an oxycontin 80.i got a bad anxiety problem.When i smoke good dank weed i dont need my xanax..thats why im sayin this pill might be better for me than so much xanax.


Active Member
So 14 days in and only 1 plant growing. The other 3 died. Started 3 more far one for sure is gonna make it. The first plant is a couple inches tall and looking healthy as can be. No nut's yet. Also after the 2nd day having my setup made i had to dissasemble and wait 3 days cause apartments decided to do random inspections. Back up and running. Just added a fan to the closet cause i noticed the temp went up a tiny bit. The water in the Rez seems warm? Right now I have the timer set 4 hours off 20 on..... No additional lighting as of yet. Trying to get the other plants to sprout and catch up before I add more lights and nut's to the water.

The garden is setup in a closet and I now have a fan setup in the closet. Gonna buy a smaller more quiet fan. Also going to buy some lights today however I dont know what I am going to do about heat in the closet. There is no vent on the door. I already have a fan. What could I do as I cant keep the door open all the time and Its my apartment complex so I cant "modify" the door. There is a decent crack at the bottom of the door. Any ideas?


Active Member
so I now have 1 more plant started the green color on its leaf is beautiful and really dark. Its almost touching the little dome. Trying to get some other seeds to sprout and grow. Would like to have 3 plants total. The other plant that started is a couple inches tall and doing nicely. The new leaves on top look a lighter green than the lower leaves is this just because of the new growth? Going to change the water tonight and hopefully in a couple days start adding nut's. I taking water from the tap and sitting it out for a couple days then ph'ing it and putting it in. Probably going to change the light to 18 on and 6 off because I think the plants thats a few inches tall is getting to much light maybe. Might add the nut's tonight with the water change or may wait a day or 2 longer. Going to take some pics and post them soon.



Well-Known Member
nice setup, but I see a few things you can fix rather easily, to improve your grow :)

1) When the plant breaks the "surface level", so to speak, of the grow pod, take off the hood.
2) Make sure you have those papery covers on top of the grow pods. Otherwise, light will get into the reservoir, and may induce rot and bacteria growth.

3) If you cant keep your closet open all the time, consider having it half-closed, then put the fan off to the side, facing into the open part. That way, its not fully exposed, but not fully closed-in either

4) 5 plants is a LOT, you want 1-2 ideally, 3 MAX. I have 3 in mine right now, and two of em are really out-growing the 3rd shortiee...

5) If you decide to post pics, make sure there's nothing there that can identify who you are(duh!). No bank statements in the background, don't take a pic with yourself in it, etc... If you just snap a photo of the AG cab and the plants, you shouldnt have any real issues...
Check out the FAQ above, it'll answer 85% of your questions :)


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I will try to get those covers back on..they all came off :(. Also I changed the water and added a very small amount of nutes. The new baby looks awesome but its older "sister" is not looking so good. Looks like nute burn but I put WAY less than even HALF that was even required and the color is not nearly as evergreen green. Its alot lighter. I also changed the light cycle for 18 on 6 off and raised the light up one notch. Any suggestions on the older plant? I will post some pics when I get a chance.

Actually after closer inspection this morning looks like the older one is getting darker....I might have just burned the leaves a little bit until I fixed the water by adding some more the next day....also got some rain water the other day. Hoping it rains again soon lol. Is tap water ok if left to sit out over 24 hrs or longer? Would it be better to put it through a filter system such as Brita or Pur? and then let sit out 24 hrs?


Active Member
Yea, since tap water normaly has Chlorine in it. Let it sit for 24 hours to evaporate. Least this is what i have read.

Yea i heard some of those addon to sink filters are good. I just get filtered water myself from a service so i just use that and adjust my pH and add my nutes to it.

Good luck with you're Plants.


Active Member
So I started a third but its barely started. Got the other 2 going strong it looks but the ones leaves look funny. I need to get some more lights but cant afford them till payday. Not sure how im gonna putem up but i have to think of something. Take a look at the roots? The bigger plant has 2 orangeish tinted areas...praying its not root rot and if it is wth do I do? :cry: The first 2 pics are the bigger plants roots. The 3rd pic is the little plants roots. :confused:



Well-Known Member
Nice progress! Couple things...

1) Try to avoid taking the plant out whenever possible. Not only do you stress it out, but there's always SOME risk, ya know? Something startles you, you drop it, roots get a nice carpet-fiber coating...

2) The tint could be from the Nutes, as I've heard that Nutes sometimes stain the roots. Soil-roots are dark as heck, and since AG water-roots are albino-white, they stain quite easily :)

3) If you suspect root rot, make sure your grow sponges aren't staying soggy the whole time. It may help to keep your rez level BELOW "100% full", so theres less water sitting around the sponge.

4) the weird leaves on the big one may be from hot is it in there? 90s is the UPPER limit of what you should have, mine runs betwen 80 and 90 most of the time, and that's still not ideal!
Would it be better to put it through a filter system such as Brita or Pur?
I use a Brita filter myself - bought a stand-alone one for drinking, then decided to use it on my AG. I simply fill from tap, mix in a jug with Nutes, and pour in. Brita takes care of all the work, my girls love clean crisp water, and I get all the rewards :)


Active Member
As far as the heat goes....temp with door closed is typically 80 degrees. I have the door open often when im home to maintain it around 74-76 degrees. Would root rot affect the leaves? I dont see any problems with the grow sponges...i mean it is an aerogarden so whenever its on its puttin water on the sponges....i have the whole system set to 18 on 6 there is 6 hours where the sponges can dry out. Any other solutions. Thanks for the input :)


Active Member
Got some pics from a few days before the most recent pics that I fogot to post. Now ive got a bunch. Changed the water and added more nutes this time. As of today its been 4 weeks. Going to stop at a hardware store in the next couple days and get more lights and more setup. Not sure how I am gonna deal with the extra heat from the lights. Hopefully they dont kick it up too much. And of for the luv of of :leaf: all my hookups are dry again boo hoo.../cry

Leaves on the one are kinda curly...they keep trying to curl not sure why. I know there is not enough light right now cause the plants are leaning toward center. Swapped positions with them until I can get more lights.



Well-Known Member
very nice!
You might consider getting a small 6" oscillating fan from the store, both for increased airflow and to help with the heat from those extra lights

Plus, who doesn't like a nice breeze now and then? :)


Active Member
I have a tiny fan but an oscilating one sounds better. The plants are really shooting up and sucking down the water. Going to post some pics when I get home. Stopping by home depot later to pick up some wood lights and accessories to make the grow better. I am worried about the heat tho. With the aerogarden by itself and door shut its 80 degrees. Hoping the additional lighting isnt to much. What do you do about smell? Its starting to waft a faint odor around the house. Also when can you start determining the sex? I think this isnt until you start the "flowering" phase? Thanks again guys!


Active Member
Dig Camera died for a week or so. These are the pics i have so far. Any easy good tips on eliminating smells? The hottest it gets so far in the closet is like 85 degrees with the door shut. I usually is left open. The lights i got were Daylight bulbs and 4 27watt cfls.... 5500k. I think. Found the 3M hooks that stick on the walls then bought 4 shoplights with plastic cages... Figured since room is a factor they are more compact than the dome ones and also they have plastic instead of metal so maybe less heat retained. Lastly the cage over light im hoping will help at least keep the plants from touching as easily. Changed the water today. Plants are CHUGGING the water and nutes. Some of the pics are from when i first got the new lights setup. The one wanted to topple over so I strung it up....the next day it was fine. The other pics are about a week after I got the lights. I dont want to have to remove the top of the aerogarden can I still get a decent yield? Or am I gonna have to remove it and hang it above? I am concerned about it getting that large and smelling strongly.



Active Member
well after looking over my garden and closet situation i have decided i want to add 4 more lights since i dont want to remove the top off the aerogarden. I am guessing there is about 6 more inches of upward growspace so pretty soon im gonna change to the flowering bulbs and change to 12 on 12 off.

Im also wondering how much the plants will grow once i go into the flowering phase. I mean if they continue to grow im going to have to figure out how to get the top of my aerogarden off. I havnt been able to figure out how yet or even how i would suspend it. I would prefer to keep them the size they are and just make them bushy instead of so tall. Is that possible?

figured out how to get the top of the AG off how stupid am i LOL


Well-Known Member
Trust me you will need all the lights you can squeeze in there..Use cfl's. 80F is a good number!
Youll prolly have to take the hood off and hang it.its simple.

They can and will in your situation double in size when you switch to 12/12.When flowering.use high and low K bulbs for dual spectrum.
I topp mine to keep them short and bushy.Try using one of these techniques.