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  1. RTRalabama

    Football Thread

    new to this forum....figured i'd get in a quick roll tide!
  2. RTRalabama

    Am i the only person that listens to oldies????

    i couldnt tell ya about any music that came in this century! all i listen to is oldies.....
  3. RTRalabama

    Weed and Metal

    my neighbor used to love that shadows fall band. just had the chance to see doom but didnt go....probably should have just to say i had seen em. i never really got into crust that much, but thought about going just out of principle..... how about going farther back to the basics with black...
  4. RTRalabama

    HELP- Hay/grassy smell (unique situation)

    how long has this bud been off the plant? i just cut mine down and while searching other threads trying to figure out if it was ok that mine no longer smells like bud and more like cut grass/hay, i saw your thread. sounds like you might need to cure it longer....
  5. RTRalabama

    Trimmings?...Dry/Cure or butter now?

    So does that mean I could make butter tomorrow without curing or drying?
  6. RTRalabama

    Trimmings?...Dry/Cure or butter now?

    Hello all....I just harvested 5 plants from my first grow. I have cut, manicured and hung all buds to dry. I plan on curing in jars once dry. However, I have a moderate amount of trimmings. I cut/disposed of the fan leaves, but the trichome rich leaves from the buds and a few rogues buds...
  7. RTRalabama

    Europe on Sale

    i know this has nothing to do with the original post about europe, but their markets are on sale too. this reminds me to check on asia opening up....dow futures are already way off.
  8. RTRalabama

    Europe on Sale

    nothing is definite...are you asking how to invest 500 bucks?
  9. RTRalabama

    outdoor plants leaves are turning yellow all of them and there not ready yet..

    Came on here looking for an answer to this too....Mine are all dropping leaves super fast, but I thought it was part of the normal life cycle of the plant. I'm in my first grow and am trying to finish it up in the next few weeks. Will check out the spot disease thread for more info.