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  1. F

    My iGROW Induction Lighting Test

    I like how he just multiplied his yield by 2x to get the g/w ratio and nobody called him out for it. Am I the only person who thinks that is BS? even if it looks like the 3 plants are only using 50% of the lit area of these lights, you cannot assume that an additional 3 plants would have equal...
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    Promix 3.8 ...buying online how big does it ship?

    So the promix 3.8cu bale should be around 18x18x18" if my math is right. Since I am considering buying this online from amazon I am curious how big the box it has arrived in has been for most people... Or does it god forbid ship without a box? Just curious since I don't want to order a...
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    help me find pressure switch

    but so far the cost isn't so bad. most expensive item so far was a Macromatic 12v cylce timer. I went with TR-65126, which lets you choose betwee 0.6-30 seconds, or much higher. Costs around 65 bucks. I ALMOST went with an artisan timer that had 0.1s increments... but it was using only...
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    help me find pressure switch

    Hey guys, thanks for the tips. I actually found a pressure switch made for the aquatec 8800 pump. It can only be ordered via the phone at Here's the actual product:
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    help me find pressure switch

    Hey guys, I'm going to be using an aquatech 8800 for an aero veggie garden. It came with a pressure switch but it's only for like 70-80psi, I want a switch that will fill an accumulator to ~140 psi and then shut off until pressure drops to ~110psi or so. I'm having almost 0 luck finding any...
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    Botanicare 330 deg mister

    Hey guys, I'm currently trying to decide between a few aeroponic misters, in order of most likely to least likely to purchase: So far I am considering: Reptile Basics Cloud Tops BioControls Now I came across another type which is the Botanicare 330 degree mister. It looks similar to...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Inspired by recent posts as well as the Breaking Bad finale (I was... blown away :) Please forgive the attempt at humor :lol:
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    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    I've been removing one of the old leaves every few days. Not for any reason other than they are ugly and blocking light from tons of new leaves underneath. In some spots there are 2 leaves stacked so close on top of eachother it looks like 1 leaf! is it a bad idea to thin it out like this? i...
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    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    Here are the plants after about a week since the last update: The plant is almost growing like plants do in vertical grows. there are 'sideways tops' and upside down leaves angling for maximum light. At first I thought some of these leaves were drooping, but there's 0 drooping going...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Question for Heiz or any other Tea-Vets :D (I tried to read the whole thread but had a hard time finding the right posts). Is anybody using the tea in Aeroponics? most people still suggest h2o2 for aero, but I am very hesitant to try that stuff again. Maybe I will try it once I get aero...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I just put my hydroton in a bowl and poured tap water to fill the bowl, stirred and discarded the water 3-4 times. By the end the water was basically clear, but if I top-water my plants I still see a tiny amount of dark-red sediment coming down from the hydroton. I think it's harmless...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Bubonic, I am a noob here, but I've had good results with the Tea. not sure why you brewed it in the fridge, but I think that's your problem. The good guys in the brew need high enough temps to be able to metabolize the sugars and grow. At fridge temps, that's probably is not going to happen...
  13. F

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks for the reassurance. So after 2 days sitting in the res change with the 3ml/gal H202, every single root tip that is fulled submerged in the dwc has about 1/8" of black tip. Never saw this with the tea, except for a few sideways stragglers that would get stuck on the res wall. Not all...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Forgive me father for I have sinned! I was in another veggie gardening forum talking about the bennies and fungi. A guy who is an "infectious disease physician" made a post that scared me a bit. Nothing specific or scientific or relating to any specific problem, he just basically said after what...
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    Special MMJ exceptions in a non MMJ State, NC!

    Yes that's her biggest complaint about cannabis is who knows who you might be supporting. I tend to agree, which is why it would be so much better for everyone if individuals were able to grow their own, but that's a different topic :) Thanks for the replies. Buddy, Topamax was highyl...
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    Special MMJ exceptions in a non MMJ State, NC!

    Hello, My wife suffers from a degenerative eye disease that is very rare (rather not say its so rare but you can probably guess). She's had it improve, and then get worse. She's had "best in their field" neurologists literally come within days of killing her via ammonia toxicity (the pills had...
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    AQUATEC booster pump question for Aeroponic use

    Ok, great to know, thanks! Next I just need to figure out how big of an accumulator tank I would need. There's a 1L Jab with quick connect fittings that looks tempting, but I wonder if 1L is too small and would still cycle the pump on pretty much every spray? Would a 1 or 2 gallon size be...
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    AQUATEC booster pump question for Aeroponic use

    Hello! I have been researching "true" aeroponics for a vegetable garden I'd like to try in a few months (don't hate me:). Well it turns out I already have an Aquatec 8800 and stainless steel solenoids. I currently have a big saltwater aquarium that I am selling when I move into a new house...
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    DWC Habanaros, soil transplant, LED +Heizenberg Tea

    check out 4 days of root growth. leaves are darkening up and lots of new growth Flower growing near where I clipped and ate the big pepper:
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I hope you guys don't mind me posting some pics of what I consider successful use of the tea for non-cannabis use. Got some habanero plants online to experiment in DWC. Didn't really know much about what I ordered since it was vague, but ended up getting a 95 day old plant rootbound in a 2"...