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  1. G


    Watering yesterday from the bottom into trays I noticed tiny little White mites not sure if they can jump, loads of legs runs fast I see them when I move my pots out of the trays they on the water then only where is moist can't see any in my soil as I feed from the bottom and top is layered with...
  2. G


    I sometimes boil the water then leave to cool over night or just get straight from tap and leave to stand for a good few hours once or twice I have put water straight in from the tap
  3. G


    Also alot of the stems are really purple??? Is it a problem as some are and some are not
  4. G


    I have a thermometer at soil level and get to about 26-27C???? That shouldn't be an issue unless the light is to close to the actual plant, but alot of it is happening at the bottom of the plant not so much top and new growth just older fan leaves tbh
  5. G


    Also what temperature will start to damage a plant or effect it in any way Shape or form
  6. G


    What you recommend I add to cure that I'm only in veg ATM I have flushed them through and fed them some plain water will leave for few days then just water again then 1 day go back to 1ml per litre grow! I also use a little superthrive
  7. G


    Ppm meter? Lol I'm manually feeding, anyone got a recommended dosage Please as I have a guide from bio bizz showing 1ml grow per litre all the way through to flush, and one that says when using canna pro 3-5ml per litre only 2 weeks into flower then stop and carry on with bloom and top max
  8. G


    Can any one help me I got 6 trainwreck cuttings, 1 barneys b c 1 deep sweet grapefruit under 600w hps 120x120x200 tent 5 inch filter and 8 inch oscilating fan 4 6l air pots 4 standard square pots in canna pro soil using just biobizz grow ATM in veg! Some of te cutting looking slow and deformed...
  9. G


    cant understand the barneys blue cheese plant tho its very yellow got brown spots it was looking really healthy with vibrant green leaves its not root probs as its seed and root bound very quickly,,,mind you i did prune alot off it to stop it being such a short bush will upload some pics now...
  10. G


    Pooo no pics through my iPhone il have to upload tomorrow off my PC
  11. G


    Can any one help me I got 6 trainwreck cuttings, 1 barneys b c 1 deep sweet grapefruit under 600w hps 120x120x200 tent 5 inch filter and 8 inch oscilating fan 4 6l air pots 4 standard square pots in canna pro soil using just biobizz grow ATM in veg! Some of te cutting looking slow and deformed...
  12. G

    whats the problem here ?

    Can any one help me I got 6 trainwreck cuttings, 1 barneys b c 1 deep sweet grapefruit under 600w hps 120x120x200 tent 5 inch filter and 8 inch oscilating fan 4 6l air pots 4 standard square pots in canna pro soil using just biobizz grow ATM in veg! Some of te cutting looking slow and deformed...