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  1. M

    Can anyone define what bug this is?[Pic]

    Thanks, i have de in the barn i can put on my mothers. This crop too infested to get rid of but for nextt ime i wantt o have my preventative ducks in a row so i will research speingtails thanks
  2. M

    Can anyone define what bug this is?[Pic]

    I cant get these things out of my rez, Ive cleaned the tank and bleached it, they come back, I put a shit ton of 33% H202, they swim in it and laugh, I dumped enough pyrithium in the rez to kill a cow. kills a few maybe but not enough to notice. I bought mosquito dunks and used 300x the...
  3. M

    Plants not looking too good.

    These plants are on Week 4 of flower. Within the last week they've really taken a turn for the worse. Ebb n flow 4x4 table. As of Week 4 they are 6.0ph and 1200ppm. Feeding Advanced NUTE A&B / Big Bud / and some Cal-mag. I have an RO that takes my water from 450 tap to 160ppm. Res temp sits...
  4. M

    Can you transfer plants to another table?

    I have 8 plants in a 2x4 table in hydroton/netpots starting week 3. I was going to move them next week into a flower room to a 4x4 Table. Being my first time with ebb n flow I had no idea how quickly the roots would bust out the net pots. The roots are pretty much covering the covered 2x4 table...
  5. M

    I suck and I'm venting

    I used to get into all the bs of cloning, had bubble cloners all that crap. Would get grey slime and shit, ruin my clones. Rapid Rooters A rusty razor blade ( used same one for oh a year or so now) Rapid rooter tray with dome 1 Gallon of RO water from grocery store (more than enough for a full...
  6. M

    smoking unflushed weed

    Flushing is not needed. Ive flushed 2 weeks with straight ph water, Ive used final flush from AN and ive done nothing and fed to harvest. Ive NEVER had a difference or a patient say or notice either. So id say that crackling is probably the seed you ignited when you lit that bull shit lol
  7. M

    Finished first grow, can you guess the weight/yield?

    Theres a scale app for the iphone you have sitting next to it.. :\
  8. M

    (Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

    I had the exact same problem with a ww grow, after extensive troubleshooting I determined mine to be from cold weather change cause nothing else proved otherwise. I ended up switching out my 400 T5 for a MH light with a cheap reflector to raise the temps and switched from a 20/4 cycle to 24x7 on...
  9. M

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    I guess its possible it might want more ppm. I thought it was a ph issue cause both the plants get fed the same, so I thought for sure it was a lockout of some kind, but when the flush proved otherwise I was at a loss what to try. I will up the ppm to a full 3/4 dose which is around a 1000ppm...
  10. M

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    The one on the left is bone dry and about to be watered. I fed right one multiple times and even a foliar feed what else can it want. It was my impression that a 600ppm is a proper feed at this stage?
  11. M

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    Strain G13 400w T5 20/4 74 degrees lights on Sunshine #4 soilless mix ph 6.3 Nutes - AN Sensi A&B 170ppm base filtered water, water twice a week sometimes less depending on weight of pot. You can see a side by side of the same plant. One is greener than a forest and the other looks like...
  12. M


    A hermie will most certainly pollinate if givin the time. It will be obvious when it herms in flower you will see little banana shoots coming out of the buds here and there. Which will eventually turn into a flower and shoot pollen. Unfortunately alot of times the hermie wont show its true...
  13. M

    spidermites in my veg tent on my moms! how 2 get rid?????

    I used Hot shot pest strips and had mites with it sitting next to the plants. So either it only lasts a couple months or it doesn't work well. For me I dip the entire plant in a 5gal bucket of max strength azamax. It stuns the plant for about a week which sucks but 2 treatments and they won't go...
  14. M

    Hermie plant or normal growth?

    Yea i have 7 more , all the same. And I have 4 other ones from a different strain in a earlier stage of flower without it
  15. M

    Hermie plant or normal growth?

    Should I cut it early or let it ride 1-2 more weeks?
  16. M

    Hermie plant or normal growth?

    sry should be up now
  17. M

    Hermie plant or normal growth?

    Thinking this went hermie cause I haven't seen this type of weird growth in the buds before. Its on week 7 so if i did maybe it will be cut before its too late. If it is hermie than why would that happen other than light leak?
  18. M

    Problems late in flower.. Cut now?!

    Ive had mites before, they do not leave at harvest trust me.
  19. M

    White Widow Grow starting 3rd Week flower

    Week 6 update.
  20. M

    Too soon to Top these?

    Topping isn't an advanced cultivation technique?