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  1. M

    When Growing With Sunshine Mix 4 what's the PH?

    I use straight sunshine #4 at 6.3 and have zero issues.
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    1000 and 600 hps in 4x4 area coverage ?

    I got 2000w in a 6x5 right now with 8 plants
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    White Widow Grow starting 3rd Week flower

    Does yours grow like a straight sativa? I read its a 60/40 mix but sure doesn't grow that way. Guess theres probably a lot of variations of it.
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    wtf is going on here??

    That is craziest fan leave near the bottom left side lol
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    White Widow Grow starting 3rd Week flower

    2000w aircooled, water heater c02, sunshine #4 soil-less ph 6.3, 5gal smart pots LST, 5 week veg. AN SENSI, Big bud, Voodoo juice, b-52. They will receive Big bud for this week and next then get over drive for 3 more. Its a high sativa strain of it. Long flower. Its mom was grown from seed so...
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    White Widow Grow starting 3rd Week flower

    Quick shot of my White Widow, first time growing it, LST , 8 plants under 2000w. What kind of return do you think I will get
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    Whats wrong with this plant

    This particular Candy Cane kush was a runt to start but then she eventually took off but as off 4 days ago she is growing but looking ugly. It gets Sensi grow a/b , about 500ppm at this stage grown in sunshine #4, 6.3 PH. Its under a 400w T5, not sure whats shes trying to tell me. New growth is...
  8. M

    Is my Aeroponic Clone ready for transplant?

    This is my first time cloning and as of today it rooted! Got success on my first try. Is my babies roots long enough to go into its soiless medium (sunshine #4)? if not how long do I want it? Thanks
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    Question of PH/PPM runoff

    Thanks yea i just thought maybe that having 300ppm runoff meant the plant only wanted 600 ppm of the nutes and ditched the rest, So I didn't know I was overfeeding. But I spose it doesn't work that way :)
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    T5 Veg with 1000w Hps Flower. Help Plz?

    I have a 4x2 T5 and I can fit 8 5gal plants under there. Veg in 1 Gal under the t5 and you will be able to fit 24.
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    LST or Topping?

    If you have a lot of plants topping is easier if you start them young because its a set it and forget it method. LST you will be constantly playing with strings to retie as they grow I have 8 WW LST right now and it is truly time consuming to maintain.
  12. M

    another disaster....

    I left my aeroponic machine unplugged for 8 hours on some unrooted cuttings, came back to them sagged over and dead and they all recovered in 24 hours and rooted a few days later so they can take some abuse lol
  13. M

    Question of PH/PPM runoff

    I grow in Sunshine soiless mix First week of flower just completed and I watered last night 5 gal smart pots each get 3 Liters per watering , base water is 175ppm My PPM solution going in was 900. It came out at 300ppm Run off. My PH going in was 6.3 it came out at 6.6 run off...
  14. M

    Forgot to turn on Aeroponic cloner !!!!!!!

    Yea, there not far into flower. But I don't know if I can get 8 more GOOD clones off it , these ones were prime cuts all of the bottom. I can probably come up with a few but it still hurts </cry>
  15. M

    Forgot to turn on Aeroponic cloner !!!!!!!

    Dammit, I have 8 ww cuttings 6 days old in my aeroponic cloner and I was checking the temp this morning before work and was in a hurry and forgot to plug the damn thing back in. Came home and they are all wilted over. They were turned off at 8:30am and turned back on at 3:30pm I assume there...
  16. M

    Just Saw Spider Mites on my Blooming Plants

    Your not going to get rid of them 3 weeks out. But thats ok, as long as you control them. I have had EXTREME spider mites on my first grow, as in webs covering the colas. Lady bugs did nothing to a good infestation. You need to get some azamax and spray down your fan leaves. Avoid spraying the...
  17. M

    Leaves light green

    Ok thanks for the input. I will definatly add 40% perlite to this sunshine #4 if I continue using it and worm castings wouldn't hurt in this blend either. No matter what you read, doing it in person is a whole nother story :)
  18. M

    Leaves light green

    Its not soil its soiless, Peat moss, perlite, spagham , little lime. I was givng them 450 ppm of nutes but last 2 waterings I gave 750-800. I am just using the sensi A/B . So Im not sure if I should be adding something else or just bump up the nutes. I ph around 5.8 - 6.1 . They are supposed...
  19. M

    Leaves light green

    I was hoping to get a read out on my plants they are so much lighter green than the guy I get the clones from. Heres basically what they get White Widow Grow in Sunshine #4 I use sensi A/B 1/4 stregth. Last 2 waterings I went half strength 2ml/l and 1/ml of B-52. It is 780 PPM counting my...
  20. M

    Please analyze my WW grow - lime green

    Can you foliar feed with Sensi A&B? If so whats the proper mix ratio / ph. If not what product would I want to do it with