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  1. Mr. Ben Dover

    Skywalker OG outdoor organic

    It all depends on the type of high you want, you can this Friday. Or maybe wait till next Friday. It's all about your preference, buds look great. IMO I would harvest Friday, but you might like more of a body high.
  2. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Not much to brag about, but for my first grow im happy :D
  3. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Let me know how that vaccum seal works for ya. Never seen someone do that before, it would be interesting to see how it turns up. Rep+
  4. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    How would do you take measurements? Do you take out the bud to feel how wet or dry it is? So would two times a day work? when I wake up and when I call it a night?
  5. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    How long should I wait in between "burps"?
  6. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    I will have some up tomorrow for ya, hope you like what you see. If you see anything I could improve on, feel free to tell me. Its my first grow and im still learning.
  7. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Okay thank you so much for your help, so during the curing process im pretty much opening and closing my jars every so often?
  8. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Okay good to know, id hate to have no smell to it :D. Thats the best.
  9. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Okay thank you, now do I have the fan directly on the buds or just going back and forth to circulate air?
  10. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    How long should I have my jars air out and dry before I put in my buds when i harvest?
  11. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Just gotta use soap and water? Or is there something else i should be doing? They got a seal on them so they should work, just tryin to find a way to not spend money haha :D im cheap
  12. Mr. Ben Dover

    Question on the curing process.

    Could I use pickel Jars to cure my buds or is that a bad idea?
  13. Mr. Ben Dover

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    Did you see a chnage in your plants when you started doing this process at all? Should i put a fan on my ladies when i take them to a dark room for the night?
  14. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    Okay thank you very much for your help, so I should dry my buds for 8-10 days. During that time should i have like a fan circulating air?
  15. Mr. Ben Dover

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    P.S. anyone else got there opinion, feel free to share it :D. The more the better. Well calling it a night yall. One love, Peace.
  16. Mr. Ben Dover

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    Hey Porky, I had some questions I'd like to ask you. I had started a thread trying get someone to answer them, but no one did. :wall: haha. Anyways, im in the process of my first grow and ive been thinking about how I could improve on my next grow . Okay so im an outdoor grower would it be a...
  17. Mr. Ben Dover

    Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

    Well words cant really describe this for me haha, im sub'd. Cant wait to see how these babies turn out. Much respect porky, best of luck to you and your ladies.
  18. Mr. Ben Dover

    New ideas... Need advice

    Hey guys I just kind of had a couple of ideas, first off I grow outdoors would it be wise to bring my plants in for the night. Just for safety, and also if so could I/ should I put a fan on them like indoor growers do. Now one more question, I have a sunrise and sunset time chart for my...
  19. Mr. Ben Dover

    Difference Between Topping and

    So you are cutting leaves? Im just not sure what you mean, what are you suppose to do?
  20. Mr. Ben Dover

    First Grow

    So the quality is kind of increased the longer you cure. Cause im looking for fluffy moist buds. How long would you say I should cure for?