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  1. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    you don’t want Lyme either. My dad got it years ago. Shortly after he developed early onset dementia which I personally believe was from the Lyme (if you look it up it’s a rare symptom but happens). He was in his 50s and passed away from it a 2 years ago
  2. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    I don’t want to have issues come later in the season. Several people have said that the stress from flipping back and forth can cause them to hermie and I don’t want to risk that. It’s untested genetics for me so I’d rather be safe then sorry. It’s early enough in the season where I can start...
  3. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Some indoor love lol
  4. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Only one that doesn’t have significant flower formation, might keep this one going
  5. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Looks like my outdoor plants are in full flower ‍:wall: Guess I’ll be ripping them up and starting over for sure. What a bummer
  6. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    where abouts are you located? You can message me if you want
  7. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    They most likely will reveg but will be stunted for a bit and will probably do some weird stuff. I’m gonna let them ride a couple more weeks while I start new seeds and see what happens. At least I’ll have backups if need be. That being said anyone local have clones ready to plant? Lol
  8. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Yup. Unfortunately they are. Poor planning on my part. I planted too late last year so I jumped the gun and planted too early this year. Lesson learned. I already started some new seeds so I’ll most likely chop these and start over. To bad too as these were growing so nice and healthy
  9. dsmer

    2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    What’s up guys, I’m late to the party. Third year in this bed, running 4 plants I can’t remember the strains right now lol. Added compost and amendments back in February and transplanted a couple weeks ago. Also in the garden is a host of companion crops like beans, clover, yarrow, lavender...
  10. dsmer

    Indoor soil problems

    im Growing autos because they were freebies from my last seed order and that’s what I had left so I’m using them up. I tried autos outdoors last year and although they did well, they flowered in June and humidity was 100% almost all the time here and mold was a problem. These plants are only...
  11. dsmer

    Indoor soil problems

    So I keep having an issue when growing indoors and it’s driving me nuts. Been growing cannabis long time but for some reason lately I keep having issues. I was a hydro grower for a long time and never had a problem. Few years ago switched to outdoor soil in my garden bed and results have been...
  12. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    was it in a locked enclosure? If not your probably out of luck. That’s the law in mass. If it wasn’t I’m sure the insurance company and police won’t do a thing unfortunately. They may even try to fine you (they threatened me a couple years ago with a few hundred dollar fine for not having it...
  13. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    same here. Had a bad experience years ago with edibles where I legit almost called an ambulance. I honestly thought I was gonna have a heart attack lol since then I refuse to take them it was Not a good time.
  14. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    Weil my season is officially DONE. Yesterday I chopped the last of what I had. I wanted to go longer but this snow storm put a damper on that one unfortunately. I made it to nov 1 which is a month longer than last year so pretty happy about that though. the gardens cleaned up, winter cover...
  15. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    hmm I could use some clones lol
  16. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    sowing my fall cover crops today because man is it beautiful outside!
  17. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    30oz Trimmed so far. Drying room full of stuff waiting to be trimmed and my biggest plant yet to be harvested. Man what a busy couple weeks
  18. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    gonna need a chainsaw for this girl lol
  19. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    33deg this morning but my soil temp was above 50. Plants looked completely fine and weather looks promising here this week so I should be good to ride out the next week for this girl
  20. dsmer

    2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

    i did Autos earlier in the season as an experiment this year. Didn’t like it, I won’t do it again. I planted in May and they didn’t finish until mid July. In full flower, the plants hated the heat and humidity. Bud development suffered and had mold problems on all plans. I’ll stick with photos...