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  1. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    @MG, well they're in DWC buckets sooo theres noo runoff.. For the same reason, I think it will take less time to flush them because the water doesn't have to go through soil or anything. Soo idk.. and I have 2 phenos of Purple Wreck soo they should be ripe at different times, but I haven't...
  2. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    fellas, sooo today is gonna be the last day of week 6 since I switched them to flowering. The website says they finish in 8 weeks. Should i start flushing now or should i give them nutrients for like 4 days or soo.. idk.. what do you recommend?
  3. harrysach099

    purple wreck pics

    Ya, I got both phenos.. if you look at the pic i posted the one on the bottom right corner and the one clockwise from the tall one one the left (kinda being covered) are the urkle phenos and the rest are the TW.. starting to get kinda purple? haha:
  4. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Well depends on how many times you do the whole thing and how many tablespoons you use per gram.. if you do it once with like 4 table spoons and squeeze out all the oil possible from the buds, you'll get like 12ish/gram.. you just tweak the recipe to your liking..
  5. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    well like I've never seen anyone else make them, but I figured since THC is fat/oil soluble, it can be extracted with oil.. Sooo I use 3-5 Table spoons of vegetable oil/ gram of grinded bud in a pan and heat it at a pretty low temp with the grinded bud... It should be ready in 10-15 min./gram...
  6. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Have you guys ever made THC capsules?? ZONKED OUT OF YOUR MIND!
  7. harrysach099

    purple wreck pics

    Dont you think if it were genetics, then mine would be purple too considering they're at the same point in flowering and they're probably from the same seed stock?
  8. harrysach099

    purple wreck pics

    @ Gum B, Is that purple wreck from RP? I'm running 6 @ 5.5 weeks flower and none of them are even close to that shade of purple. Cold temps?
  9. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    @ chef, I have a filter cleaning the air before entering the tent.. soo, noo mold, mildew, bugs (i hope).. regarding the CO2 thing, do you mean by implementing it, it will allow the plants to photosynthesize more adequately in accordance to the higher temps? Im worried about the res temps. Im...
  10. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    There are a bunch of trees outside my window, sooo I have the lights running at night soo there is an increase in CO2 due to the respiration of the trees. The res temps are fine during their light on period (actual: night) (63-67), but it just started getting pretty warm this week outside during...
  11. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    indoor, but my intake fan is getting the air from outside my window, soo its pretty relevant to outside temps. Do you guys just use an AC? Sorry if I lack experience; this is my first grow..
  12. harrysach099

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Hey, are you all getting brutal weather in Denver?? My res temps are getting around 74 during the day (Fort Collins).. Should i be worried about fungus of some sort?
  13. harrysach099

    Reserva Privada Purple Wreck

    I dont believe I know this Dr. Amber Trichomb that you speak of.
  14. harrysach099

    Reserva Privada Purple Wreck

    Im running this variety under a 1K with a DWC system. I've only noticed 2 different phenos, as stated previously. Can anyone tell me an approximate harvest window for both of the phenos? No hermies, soo far. Im midway through week 6 since 12/12.. So, should I start flushing if the TW pheno...