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  1. kdhc69

    This is my setup

    alright, so i switched the light fixtures to ceramic double-bulb ones (that's 12 cfl's total), half of them are 4100kelvins and the other half are 6500kelvins. i also pruned the plants so as to allow the bottom leaves more light. KEEP COMMENTING!!! I FIND IT EXTREMELY HELPFULL.
  2. kdhc69

    This Is My Office!

    i like it lol
  3. kdhc69

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    i think you should be fine
  4. kdhc69

    Grow Room (First Timer)

    very well organized, alot better than mine
  5. kdhc69

    The Making Of A Monster!

  6. kdhc69

    At what week do you start trimming the bottem leaves?????

    i think you should just wait til the last few weeks of flowering to cut them off
  7. kdhc69


    i liked season 2 the best, but i def. can't wait for season 4
  8. kdhc69

    Light Fell on Plant

    i feel's hard tryin' to grow when ur broke. i'd say just use a stud finder and then rig up a pulley system which u could do for about $15 at any hardware store
  9. kdhc69

    Seeds have germinated, now what?

    just put them in the rockwool, and put the lights about an inch away
  10. kdhc69


    they look awsome!
  11. kdhc69

    lights and what are the best ones to get

    for sure get cfl's, they work the best.
  12. kdhc69

    How many grams are in a blunt, dime, 20, 1/4sxc

    idk how u r gettin' $70 oz's but that's fuckin' amazing
  13. kdhc69

    Droopy plants...please help..PICS

    i would definitely start using some nutrients
  14. kdhc69

    What is YOUR coolest/best known piece?

    i'd go with a gas mask setup
  15. kdhc69

    nothing is working i need help

    what works for me is putting the seeds in between a wet paper towel, and then carefully wrapping it in aluminum foil and putting it under the cfl's
  16. kdhc69

    check out my closet grow.

    i agree, it's a very nice and well set-up closet. good luck
  17. kdhc69

    !New! ><PICS><

    yeah it's lookin' pretty good
  18. kdhc69

    Two semi big males...can I make hash?

    i agree with the others, you might as well get something out of them if you took the time to grow them
  19. kdhc69

    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    they do look amazing to agree with blueberry