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  1. J

    Flowering with Cree bulbs

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  2. J

    Best top layer ( mulching)

    Oh. Ok. Sorry for my confusion
  3. J

    Best top layer ( mulching)

    Whats wrong with pine bark mulch? I've been using pine bark mulch as a mulch for about a year and I don't see any problems. Another grower I know uses it in his soil mix for the last 30+ years and says the only time he had any problems with it was when he quit using it based on what everyone on...
  4. J

    Best top layer ( mulching)

    If you're impressed with those clowns you should Google LumperDawgz2 and Clackamas'll cum all over yourself. He uses REAL science...not the stoner bullshit
  5. J

    Full-Humix(bioag) vs DTE Granular Humic Acid?

    That's solid advice.
  6. J

    Azomite as replacement for Pro-TeKt (SiO2) in soil?

    Thanks. I was looking for that same PDF to post.
  7. J

    Best top layer ( mulching)

    For fungus nats you can sprinkle a couple tablespoons or neem meal and kelp meal on the surface and cover with ewc or compost.
  8. J

    Cal mag additive in recycled soil?

    Dolomite has the wrong magnesium/calcium ratio. It could bind up your soil. Oyster shell flour and aragonite flour are pure forms of calcium carbonate...much better sources. Hi-cal agriculture lime also a nice choice. I personally use 1/2 cup aragonite flour and 1/2 cup of gypsum in my no til...
  9. J

    Azomite as replacement for Pro-TeKt (SiO2) in soil?

    Azomite contains large amounts of aluminum which is toxic. It will break down and be available to the plant after a couple years. Something to think about if you reuse your soil
  10. J

    Full-Humix(bioag) vs DTE Granular Humic Acid?

    BioAg products are no joke. Nothing compared to what you normally find at grow stores. Follow BioAg's recommended application rates. I use their FulPower and TM-7.
  11. J

    Mixing White & Multi Spectrum Chip LEDs to Grow MedMan Silver Skunk BX1

    No. I was wondering if you were doing a grow start to finish with the BML
  12. J

    Mixing White & Multi Spectrum Chip LEDs to Grow MedMan Silver Skunk BX1

    Anything significant to report in the past couple weeks?
  13. J

    2014 Kessil Club

    How's that workin out for you? How close is it to your plants? Temps? My cab is 36" tall but by the time I get a 5 gal pot in there and a scrog Net I'll be within 6" of the buds once they get flowering. How did you mount the light?
  14. J

    LED Noobs, STOP Buying China Junk

    How much coverage do you get with the BML bars? I've looked at their site and I see the different beam angles but not much on how to pick. And I don't see any dimensions...about how wide are the bars? I'm trying to set up a stealth grow and I need to cover a 30" X 18" scrog.
  15. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I'm trying to put together a stealth rubbermaid setup. It will be 3 totes stacked. Overall inside dimensions will be around 32" X 20" X 58". I plan on a scrog screen 30" X 18". What would you suggest. I was thinking either 2-3 kessil h150's, or 1 kessil h350, or 1 area 51 RW-75. And I need to...
  16. J

    Club T5

    Has anyone tried the wave-point ultra growth waves? I was thinking they might be a good alternative to the zoo med flora suns. Any thoughts?
  17. J

    Flowering with Cree bulbs

    I've read this entire thread. From what I can tell most are using around a 4:1 ratio of 2700k to 5000k bulbs for flowering...what about just for veg?
  18. J

    Using Blumats to water for you

    Could you tell us a little more about your auto shut off system? Which sensors you use and how you plumb the valve? Im thinking of branching off the cold intake on my washing machine, run thru a tall boy filter then into a 5 gal gravity fed bucket reservoir with a float valve. Do you think I'd...
  19. J

    blumat lines

    can someone tell me how the lines hold up? If you take them off of their barbs too much do they stretch out? Are the quick disconnects worth it or are the .10 cent caps good enough?
  20. J

    Using Blumats to water for you

    I know this is an old thread but can someone tell me how the lines hold up? If you take them off of their barbs too much do they stretch out? Are the quick disconnects worth it or are the .10 cent caps good enough?