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  1. J

    Advanced Ph Perfect adjust PH after mixing in nutes&boosters

    I did the test in soil and i had lockout when i didnt ph. You can try on one plant or so yourself and find out but i ph now and i dnt have any problems
  2. J

    Do you use PH Perfect? If so, I have a CalMag question.

    Ive not ph before in soil and it wasnt good had serious nute lockout and now i ph every time
  3. J

    To flush or not to flush that is the question! (Pre harvest)

    Get a n-p-k test kit dont flush 1 plant, flush another for a week and another plant for two weeks use the test kit on the leaves that will get you some scientific backing...... I water use only for last 16-21 days if i water every 3-4 days thats 4 to 5 waterings without nutes and my weed is the...
  4. J

    OG Raskal's White Fire - 10 Beans from Start to Finish- Flood&Drain Hydro SCROG style

    So no one on RIU has White Fire Alien from OGraskal????bongsmilie cant find shit on it.
  5. J

    Am I underfeeding my babies?

    Dont keep seeds when a hermie is in your room you'll only get unstable hermie offspring.
  6. J

    Anyone using pH Perfect Technology?

    What do you want to know?
  7. J

    OG Raskal's White Fire - 10 Beans from Start to Finish- Flood&Drain Hydro SCROG style

    I can vouche for sowamazingseeds got my cali con gear and some resin seeds gear no problem as fast as attitude. Take a look at OGraskal just came out with 2 new strains fire alien master and fire alien strawberry:weed: bongsmilie All the breeders on there are official im just saying......
  8. J

    OG Raskal's White Fire - 10 Beans from Start to Finish- Flood&Drain Hydro SCROG style

    You can buy OGraskal gear at has anybody got a white fire alien im thinking of getting that next?
  9. J

    OG Raskal's White Fire - 10 Beans from Start to Finish- Flood&Drain Hydro SCROG style

    Looks good! Im thinking of getting some of OGraskals gear those are fem right?
  10. J

    20 days to harvest molybdenum/nitrogen deficiency-soil, what to do?

    I would add tea/castings asap then water with a carb like molasses or budcandy until your second to last water then straight water.
  11. J

    Jackpot Royale

    Hey SWED you should start a journal about jackpot royale and youll get lots of people some useful info.:blsmoke:
  12. J

    Best Nutes In...

    The best would be advanced nutes for aero. The new ph perfect is the truth all you need is a base nute and bud candy go to thats were i got mine. If you want any other additives big bud is the best one. Get Great Orca for your roots and you'll rape.:bigjoint:
  13. J

    ph help

    Sounds right if you got that little bottle of ph up with the gh kit for 20 gallons of water. When my ph drops to 5.7 it takes 3ml per gallon to bring it up to 6.8. So if you got the 237ml ph up bottle you can do the math if your ph is down to 4.5. If your doing anything outside of soil/coco i...
  14. J

    What Kind of Dehumidifier to Get

    For a 4x4 grow tent thats a beast seems more ideal for a basement.In my opinion you can grab dri-z-air or a couple damp rid buckets and get the same effect and save on power..
  15. J

    Led Users Unite!

    Is anybody on RIU using the solar storm leds from californialightworks im really interested in those??:joint::bigjoint:
  16. J

    ph ?

    Your good at 7. As time goes on your soil will become more acidic especially using nutes, So it is best to put some dolomite lime in it to stabalize it at 7 and you wont have any issues.
  17. J

    Led Users Unite!

    What was the point in posting that dapio? As far as glh goes I dont see anybody using those but some of their little cheerleaders probably why hes offering deals and on ebay so do what you think is right. :bigjoint:
  18. J

    La Confidential grow SOG

    When your ph starts to get out of wack these little brown or yellow dots appear on some of the leaves.....bugs on some mugs but none on me.........:bigjoint:
  19. J

    5ftx5ftx6.5ft Grow Tent Suggestive CFM's

    Sounds like you will be good with that.:bigjoint:
  20. J

    La Confidential grow SOG

    Glad you got all the problems handled, good look on the ffof youll plants will be happy. Earlier in the thread I told you i dont mix lime with my dirt but of course I see little ph dots on my leaves and lockout on 1 of my strains:fire: So from now on lime that shit before you flower