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  1. B

    PH for hydroponic

    Adjust your pH (up or down) to where you need it. A lot of people claim 6.0-6.4 or so is best but do what works for you.
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    First Grow! Cataract Kush, Burnt tips.

    What do you mean you have stupid with waterings? How often have you been watering? Do you have proper drainage? Are you feeding nutes? How strong? Is your pH good? We need more info. And pics are always a plus.
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    Scrog help please :)

    Good info Grumpy. I didn't know to fill it 3/4 and then flip the lights. Thanks bud!
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    Scrog help please :)

    Ya. I think he is right on. I don't believe you actually get more "tops" but it is essentially the same. The buds get more direct light therefore they are basically all treated and act kinda like tops. Unless you top your plant I think you still end up with a single cola at the "top" now on the...
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    First Time Auto Grow

    Autos are generally a smaller plant in general. There are grown on here that weren't topped and with very minimal LST and were only about 16" when harvested. Strains do vary somewhat. Look up the seeds and they usually have a height range for the particular seed and see what it says.
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    Regular Seeds

    I don't know tons about autoflowering strains but from what I've gathered autoflowers can be either male or female. So can feminized seeds. Feminized seeds can still herm on you but less likely. Make sure you don't stress the plant/s too much and make sure you have no light leakage during your...
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    THE HUT.....So I'll do it right next time , but I'm not jus gonna throw these away.

    I'm new to the forum but have successfully harvested many plants, but most of us, including myself killed our fair share of plants before getting things dialed in. I hope it turns out for you. Best of luck and keep at it! If nothing else it will give you some practice. Bagseed is a cheap and...
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    White widow....2nd cfl grow and only 2nd plant ever............ now to triple

    You are going to want ventilation. Especially with 65% humidity.
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    How much do you smoke?

    Probably 3gs a day. I use a ceramic bat to conserve and get me through the day. I smoke nothing but a great friends dwc homegrown. I get it for next to nothing and get free samples of new plants he has harvested. I always start my day with a bong rip. always. It's just the way I do things. I...
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    3 Word Story

    I just came
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    Cheech Marin on a cooking TV show!

    So I was just channel surfing blazed as hell off some HeadbandxWhiteWidow. Idk if that's got a certain name or not but it is pretty damn good. Lol. Anyways, I saw Cheech Marin so I started to watch a minute and it's Rachael vs Guy Celebrity Cook Off on the Food Network. On the introduction it...
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    Earthy planty smell?

    ^^^ we need to know more factors. The bud density issue could be a lighting issue. What lights are you using. How far from the plant?
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    Been patient w/the Jack Herrer

    Jack Herrer is a great strain that can pay off with some know how and some patients. I had a friend who flowered his for just shy of 9 weeks but it was full and dense and dank. It just took a while. 12 weeks sounds like it had stress issues that held it back. It may never bulk up. Who knows.
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    HELP!!nutrients r knockn ph dwn so low cant get em back up

    Tap water? Bottles water? What is the startin ph of your water? And what do the bites drop it to? How strong are you feeding?
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    Hi Im A New Grower

    That's mighty helpful for the folks who don't know. Get at least a 30x magnifying glass or scope. It will help a lot. Flower time for white strains are generally in the 7+ week flowering time range. Like was said, look up the particular flowering time for that strain. Then when it gets close...
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    Bad smell at the drying stage! (low temp)

    All I can suggest is keep your humidity pretty neutral. 40-50%. And make sure you have fresh air flow and it's not too confined. High humidity with high temps and still air is a recipe for mold/mildew. The farmer i go through lost the top of one of his main colas and just found out last night...
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    How to Harvest white wizard??

    In the harvesting/curing section of the forum.
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    PC Grow - Power Supply mounting?

    I just suggest Velcro in case he wants to be able to move the power strip and such. In case you don't want it to be permanent. I've always had good luck with it but do whatever suits your needs. Nobody else can grow for you. Take people's advice and use it how you want. Good luck man. Hope it...
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    PC Grow - Power Supply mounting?

    Velcro. And apparently you can't have a super short reply on this so I wrote more. Lol