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  1. Ravener

    Help me understand this breed chart

    It looks like the breeder found traits he liked at the f2 level, one good male and 2 females, then crossed the f2 male with both f2 females. That makes an F3 A-line and an F3 B-line, one for each of the F2 females that the breeder used F2 male pollen on. It looks like they continued selecting...
  2. Ravener

    Is this okay to veg and flower with?

    Sure, don't get too ambitious trying to pack too many plants under its effective area, but you could grow 1 or 2 for sure.
  3. Ravener

    A few co2 questions

    Ya, If you have it at the levels that are beneficial to a plant, there is no way a dangerous amount could escape and travel 30 feet to threaten your dog. Even Co leakage from using a burner in an exhausted space shouldn't be an issue. Also, though you didn't mention it, I assume you'll...
  4. Ravener

    Im terrified of Nutes

    I use Maxi Bloom in soil, 1 tsp to a gallon easy as pie, you can work up to 2 tsp/gal if you like or just cruise to completion.
  5. Ravener

    First Grow Flowering Day 45 How much Longer?

    Hi! If you don't have a cheap little pocket microscope, you still have plenty of time to get one. I've found 60x to be ok but 100x really takes the guesswork out of assessing trichomes. Honestly one of the best $10 purchases you could make as a grower.
  6. Ravener

    Help identifying this marijuana

    My Sherlock Holmes-esque perception detects a ragged cutting pattern on the trimmed leaves indicating an automated trimmer, which leads me to believe it was done commercially. The way the bottom side lies flat tells me that this was bundled with other weed, which indicates being packed on a...
  7. Ravener

    H2o2,hyrogen peroxide. How to mix

    I've never used peroxide for oxygenating roots, I did use it at a 10:1 water to h2o2 ratio for the initial soak of my jiffy pellets to try to fend off unwanted critters/molds. Didn't have any problems so either it was a resounding success or I was never going to have a problem anyway and the...
  8. Ravener

    Beginning week 3 flower...input?

    If you find one you love, just snip a lower branch and make your clone, it's not too late. It may take a bit to re-veg under 18/6, but if you find out that one of your 3 is the bomb, you'll be glad you took a cutting. Also, if you take cuttings and pay attention to the timetables on growth and...
  9. Ravener

    Balancing reflectors

    Here's an odd one. I have 2 lamps that I balanced with a level. The ends connected to the chains are perfect, the on the other axis they both lean a bit, maybe 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch off level. Is there any 'official' way to correct that? I'm not sure if it is drastically affecting the...
  10. Ravener

    hello peeps newbie here!

    When you finish watering the dishes can have standing water in 'em, but the soil can suck some of it right back up if given a little time. Go surf the web for about a half hour or hour and then go back in and dump out anything that hasn't been absorbed by then. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! :leaf:
  11. Ravener

    3 week old n 3 days supposed to look like this

    Maybe some hand lotion for the thumb, plant looks good though. :leaf:
  12. Ravener

    Lite question ???

    If you're trying to grow with a single cfl or a single one of the Walmart bulbs, you're in pretty rough territory anyway so I don't think you can really help or hurt yourself too much one way or the other. Whatever you choose, you'll need to keep it close :) Your best bet would be to hook up...
  13. Ravener

    This is my first time getting clones from a dispensary. I tried cloning myself but th

    I didn't know it was possible, at least not deliberatley. Basically you're paying for a rockwool cube and somebody to grab some clippers and make 1 cut. Hope it wasn't too expensive :)
  14. Ravener

    question about bag seeds

    If the seeds really did come from a hermie, it will be 100% female, but not 100% hermie. It will carry the possibility of becoming a hermie, but pretty much everything has that possibility...what varies is the threshold of stress or other factors that make the hermie trait manifest. Think of...
  15. Ravener

    Thinking about my second grow

    Wow, that's a really cold room! On the bright side, you probably won't even need ducting and will actively be needing the heat from the lamps just for survival, which is an interesting twist. It's absolutely do-able, you might even want a small space heater with a thermostat of some sort, to...
  16. Ravener

    Talk to your plants?

    I remember reading an actual scientific report that 1 hour in a sealed room enriches the co2 to optimum levels for x amount of time, not sure of the exact figures but I remember that it was definitely beneficial and did absolutely no harm. I wondered if bringing a few dumbbells in there and...
  17. Ravener

    Time to transplant?

    I'd let them go a little while longer, maybe 2 more weeks before worrying about transplant. Even then you won't need to worry about serious pot-bound problems. If you do end up seeing spinning in the roots at the bottom, just drag a utility knife vertically about 1cm deep along the sides of...
  18. Ravener

    To attitude seed buyers

    Used Attitude several times, with the T-shirt stealth method and the tin stealth method. With at least one of the T-shirts, I had them keep the seeds in breeders packs which vary in size and style by the breeder. With the tin method, I had them take them out of breeder pack and anything that...
  19. Ravener

    Does soil last?

    I've had partial bags of soil dry out, all it takes is a good watering and it was impossible to tell the difference between the last of a dry bag and the beginning of a fresh one. Of all the things to worry about, this one won't be a problem I think.
  20. Ravener

    first grow sexing help

    Sometimes fate deals some crazy hands...I planted 2 packs of seeds, got 9 of 11 females on one strain, 2 of 11 female on the second one. If I'd only popped the second pack, I'd be ready to whip myself out the window by now. Hang in there, the law of averages owes you!