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  1. Ravener

    first grow sexing help

    Balls. Balls.
  2. Ravener

    Male or female........

    This plant would make Liberace happy.
  3. Ravener

    Should you use your real name when ordering seeds?

    Ya, having mail carriers in the family, I'll tell you use the right last name, switch up initials if you like. If there's a house where the carrier knows the Smiths's have lived for 15 years, then suddenly they get a letter for Hugh G. Rection or Brad Pitt, the carrier will either get the joke...
  4. Ravener

    About to harvest first grow need help with veg tent for second grow[HELP!]

    Light-wise, sure. Size-wise, definitely check the specs of the specific fixtures you end up getting. I was thinking in terms of mounting from above only, but if you do one on the back wall and turn the plants every now and then, yah you should be more than fine. :leaf:
  5. Ravener

    Strange Strains and Names

    Good luck, you should like it! My buddy and I tried g13 Haze and Liberty Haze at the Barney's coffeeshop in Amsterdam. The Liberty was nice and plenty potent too. The g13 was almost too much. I should have a pretty decent tolerance by now and I couldn't say anything and my buddy who doesn't...
  6. Ravener

    About to harvest first grow need help with veg tent for second grow[HELP!]

    Sorry man, I just took the numbers from the description in your link. If you're looking at a different one, that's cool...more room for bushiness! The height is the big issue. DP90 PROPAGATOR TENT FROM SECRET JARDIN 0.9m (high) x 0.6m (deep) x 0.9m (wide) Dark Room Propagator Grow Tent from...
  7. Ravener

    About to harvest first grow need help with veg tent for second grow[HELP!]

    That will be a strange tent, 3 feet high, 2 feet deep, 3 feet wide. 400w light is great for 6 plants in that small an area. I'm just concerned that if the tent top is 3 feet tall, that is a heck of a lot of light and awfully close. Heat and even bleaching may become issues. Maybe look into...
  8. Ravener

    Can i clone a plant than put it immediately in flower?

    People have asserted that clones hold stable for 20 generations, others that they're stable for 20-30 years. If you're worried, just hang on to the mother plant for a year or 2, then clone from that. If you clone from a clone once a year, you can buy your next seeds with your social security...
  9. Ravener

    New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips

    Yeah, this is pretty much the equivalent of giving a newborn baby a delicious healthy steak and baked potato and wondering why it's not enjoying them. As said above, move back to at least 18/6 light cycle and get your lights fairly close. Don't go back to 12/12 until you've got a good 7 or 8...
  10. Ravener

    Can i clone a plant than put it immediately in flower?

    I think I understand what you're shooting for, but I think the important factor here is going to be your time to harvest. Remember that size can be controlled a lot of ways, LST, etc. and you can use those methods to buy yourself several inches without impacting yield if vertical space is an...
  11. Ravener

    2nd time growing - Tell me how im doing PLEASE! :) NEED ADVICE / and i have Q's!

    For how to top, you'll want to check out this: For LST, you'll want to check out this: For...
  12. Ravener

    Seedlings pt2

    From everything I've read... 24/0 is fine, the advantage is you don't need to have a timer 18/6 is fine, the advantage is your lights are off 25% of the time, saving power and $$$ It was some legit experiment where they tested it, there was either no or negligible benefit from the extra 6...
  13. Ravener

    2nd time growing - Tell me how im doing PLEASE! :) NEED ADVICE / and i have Q's!

    Hi! It looks pretty good, nice fat stem, leaves look fine and the internodes aren't too far apart so it looks like you have your light low enough. Lucky genetics too, at least regarding that trait. Unless you're getting problems on several leaves, don't worry too much. Nutrient problems will...
  14. Ravener

    my plant is 3-4 days please help me out

    Soil's ok. Honey Barbecue sauce you can probably do without, at least until week 7. Water is ok, I don't know how humid it is there but maybe let the soil go another day or 2. Otherwise, just let 'er grow. They're so cute when they're little.
  15. Ravener

    low stress training help

    Ok, now you're on the right track. Address the fan problem ASAP, even if you have to snag a box fan from your parents or get a $2 used one at Goodwill. Not only for reducing the heat from the lights, but for fresh air exchange around the leaves. They will get taller if you put the puzzle...
  16. Ravener

    low stress training help

    Technically yah you're ok to start LST. The major concern with doing it early is uprooting (seedling or clone) it if it doesn't have enough root system developed. As it stands, I'd say just keep going with the bending, whatever growth problem you have isn't going to be wildly harmed by...
  17. Ravener

    Has Anyone Ever Seen This on a Leaf?

    Look on the underside of the leaves and see if you can see any shiny black dots. My first guess is thrips b/c of the slightly coppery color, but that looks like it's been gnawed on for a while so I'm not exactly sure. Btw the black dots are the thrip poop, not the thrips :)
  18. Ravener

    Looking for advice

    I hope they're in soil already, if they had sprouted 3 days ago and are still in water they're likely drowned haha. I know a lot of people love Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but most quality soils you pick up at a hydro store should be good and the people tend to be helpful. Either way, you want to...
  19. Ravener

    How does my plant look and what are these things on it?? pics included

    Also, the thing you have circled is indeed the preflower area and where the actual flower/calyx will appear, but the plant is not quite mature enough yet to know its sex. As it grows in veg, you may see either a pair of white hairs spring out from there (different than the 2 green spikes on each...
  20. Ravener

    Mounting my ballast

    Should he worry about the paint? The drywall is mostly gypsum, but if it's painted over, will it bubble the paint and cause havoc? Should he use a small offset or shim to let air vent behind the ballast rather than sitting flush? Or is that just overkill and worrying about too little a thing...