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  1. smilebob

    The Simpsons live in Illinois??

    I just read this as well. The man himself said Oregon.
  2. smilebob

    5 months and still nothing!

    Good looking plant for your first grow. I am jealous :)
  3. smilebob

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    Nobody can tell you your yield! That simple. There are too many factors that affect the outcome. I do agree that with a 200w cfl you are going to produce bud, just not much. You probably have your reasons for wanting cfl but if you are going to drop that much into a tent you may want to spend...
  4. smilebob

    DIY Smart Pots... Does fabric color make a difference? White versus Black material...

    Smart Pots also come in brown, the wife has a few for some big house plants. The bright colors are the ones I would stay away from, seems whenever I have clothes that have color bleed it is the brighter colors. Just wash your fabric in plain hot water, that should help with any excess dye. As...
  5. smilebob

    whats the best to get flowering

    As said above. Switch to 12/12 and wait. It takes a few weeks at 12/12 before it will show signs of flowering, then it will take more weeks to finish. If it hasn't showed signs yet then the only thing you can do is. Wait. Patience is key. Just keep the your 12/12 schedule, water/feed when needed...
  6. smilebob

    sorta sad "story" i just read but makes you think

    Our first dog was adopted from a shelter. Previous owners moved and left him tied to a stump in the back yard. The shelter had him over 3 months before we adopted him. We have had him 10 years now and he is the best dog we have and to this day we can't understand how/why they left him.
  7. smilebob

    Cal/mag Plus Question

    I have been searching online and asking people and I cannot seem to get a straight answer on this. With Botanicare Cal/Mag Plus how long does a mixed batch stay good for? I just mixed a batch of just Cal/Mag and water so I could water. I was a little off on my counting and still have enough to...
  8. smilebob

    about fresh air....

    I agree. From the sounds of it though the OP is pulling hot air from outside which will just heat the room up. Only thing I can think of is to move the intake fan to try and pull air from another room in the house, this way the op is still getting their fresh air but it is cooler and the ac...
  9. smilebob

    about fresh air....

    So you are sucking air from outside? Outside the house? If it is hot outside your pulling that hot air in. Disconnect the intake fan and just use the ac as your intake and see what that does. Maybe move the intake fan so it is a second exhaust fan also.
  10. smilebob

    about fresh air....

    Are you growing in a cab, closet, room, tent? Where does your grow area exhaust to? Does it just exit right into the room it is in or do you have it going into an attic or something? If you are just exhausting the hot air from your grow area into the room it is in all you are doing is heating...
  11. smilebob

    Mg or K deficiency?

    Stay away from MG soil. It might work for you but more than not it just causes problems. Your best bet is to look at Lowes or Home Depot and look for a soil with no added nutes. This late in the summer the selection should be pretty good. Almost all of what Wal-mart carries has added nutes. I...
  12. smilebob

    I am just wondering who else does this.

    So I have a dog that requires daily walks, if not he is an asshole until he gets one. Most of the time my wife walks him when she gets home from work but sometimes she can't. I work until midnight most nights. Lately I have been walking him a few nights a week. So I roll a joint, grab his leash...
  13. smilebob

    Undergerminated seeds?

    I wouldn't see a partial germinated seed being planted any different than just dropping your seed straight to soil and letting it germ the natural way. I gave up on the glass of water/paper towel method after having germination problems with a lot of bag seed. My last grow and current grow have...
  14. smilebob

    Growing as my job....

    This is something I have considered too. As for a "Job" though? I don't see it happening for me that way. I see it more like my friend's dad who is a cattle farmer. He has his own farm, Puts a lot of time and money into it. He does make money off it but it isn't his job. He also has a 40-50...
  15. smilebob

    Cool tubes

    I ran a cooltube during my last grow and I wasn't impressed. The inside of the tube was always getting dusty, the reflector was more of a pain than it was worth and I don't notice much difference in cooling between it and my air cooled hood with no glass. From what I have read and been told is...
  16. smilebob

    Putting a Blacklight in the Growroom?

    Black lights will do nothing but waste your time and money when it comes to your grow. Save them for after your harvest.
  17. smilebob

    Cannabis-friendly careers

    Go look in the food service industry. I think it is a requirement to be high while working in a restaurant. I cooked for a few years and it seems everyone around me smoked. It was nice because we would all sell/trade to each other. I never ran out of weed while working there. You can also look...
  18. smilebob

    this good or bad

    It seems that 99% of grows on this site are CFL :) Your girl looks good, good luck with the rest of the grow
  19. smilebob

    Can SomeBody Tell Me how To..............

    It won't really matter to the plant where you take it from. If it were me I would look for one of the small underdeveloped ones towards the bottom so you don't ruin a good looking bigger nug. Once it is dried it will smoke the same.
  20. smilebob

    Male or Female

    I just grew a male with 9 point leaves. But don't tell him he is a girl, shit might get weird.