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  1. C

    Is this a sign of a female? please help

    Oh. I've never used soil so i have no idea.
  2. C

    Is this a sign of a female? please help

    Am I the only one who flushes when you flip? During veg you are feeding with lots of N, so I flush the medium out, switch to bloom nutes and flip.
  3. C

    what to do with these sacks !!!!!!!!

    Ok then, please explain where the hairs come from?
  4. C

    Skinny stunted leaves almost 5 weeks into flower

    I'm sure you can get by with that, but you should switch it to 165mh and 250hps I think you will get better results. As far as heat, you just need more airflow, your plants will benefit from that as well.
  5. C

    is my SDxLA becoming a man :(

    That sucks, sorry for your loss.
  6. C

    Is this a sign of a female? please help

    I am not seeing sex. Have you flushed? Edit- after looking at the second pic again, I think I may see male parts showing but to be honest the resolution is just to low to say for sure.
  7. C

    what to do with these sacks !!!!!!!!

    Dude those are calyxes, leave em alone!
  8. C

    Some Pictures

    At most I have heard roll it back a week from when they show sex. Some plants may not flower for 3 or more weeks after flip, especially if there is a high amount of available nitrogen.
  9. C

    Some Pictures

    You start counting when they physically start flowering.
  10. C

    Some Pictures

    400w mh conversion for veg, 400hps for flower. Thanks!
  11. C

    Some Pictures

    Wasn't sure where to post, but figured since I'm new here, this is as good a place as any. She is 8 weeks old and 21 days into flower, 35 days after flip. If you feel there is anything that needs to be criticized, feel free. Otherwise enjoy the pics.
  12. C

    update on critical kush and pineapple chunk

    Time to repot, probably long overdue. Those plants are tiny for 4 weeks.
  13. C

    Whats wrong with my Hydro plant?? Any help :)

    Looks like nute burn to me. I would start fresh with the water and lower the nutrient concentration. I don't see any evidence of mag def. stop with the epsom.
  14. C

    Now or Later?

    I understand how plants work. I still hold to nothing wrong with 24 hr. Note that I did not say plants in general, I said MJ. I can say confidently, from my own experience, there is overall more growth (24 hr) in a 3 week veg (than 18hr).
  15. C

    Skinny stunted leaves almost 5 weeks into flower

    Need Moar light! I am not diagnosing your plant, but you need more light, raise the ph a smidge on your solutions and I honestly doubt you need cal-mag. Your nutrients from general hydroponics have all that micro- stuff taken care of already.
  16. C

    Now or Later?

    I agree with the MH bulb, although HPS will get the job done. I do not agree with 24hr light being bad. MJ does not need a dark cycle through vegetation.
  17. C

    newb question for sure,lol.

    Hermie seeds produce hermie plants. Feminized seeds work a little different, using hormones and such on a stable plant.
  18. C

    Lighting Help, READ PLEASE

    I usually wait for 2 sets of real leaves before going to the HID. I also don't know about soil, but in coco coir I feed a few days after moving to HID.
  19. C

    Need some Coco help...pretty please with sugar on top?

    I love coco. I never have to guess about nutrients because I am the one supplying them. I would definitely say it is time for a full feed. I water every 2 days, the pots should get really light in that time. I feed very frequently, 2 consecutive then one plain water, but I also flush frequently...
  20. C

    Height restrictions. Trying to go sog.

    I don't know, 2 weeks of veg may be too long. 12" pot, 12" reflector 6" of space between light and plants. Not leaving much room.