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  1. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Haha that bulbs gone, only used it a day, and my plants are doing fine. Thanks for the input though.
  2. MaryJaneGang

    Yellow seedling.leafs?!

    To much water, look at better draining soil, or could be nute burn. Pics?
  3. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    They already have an odor, is that normal?
  4. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    My big one is on its 5th set and I just got a fan, another 50w "grow light", my timer is set, should I just do 24/7? I also got a reflector over the.lights.
  5. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    All is good now, no yellow, I got these as seedlings in over ferted mg, and didn't know he used that pos soil. Oh well I'm learning.. ok what they want and I just added another cfl with it, they have total light coverage and I hope they won't stretch. Recomend any techniques I can use in the...
  6. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Well that's just because they were lacking it in the soil, and I use neptunes harvest fertilizer, its very lite but I only fed once and waiting another week or too to feed again. Also I just checked them and starting to slightly droop again so I'm just saying screw it and not watering for two...
  7. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    I would but I pay electricity, plus I think they like the nap always seem to be just a little bigger when I turn the lights back on. I just gave them a little cal mag since the soil is neutral, we will see what that does, when should I feed next?
  8. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    I tested that already!:o and they go towards the led. And yes they hated me Haha, it was that damn 99 cent bag of soil, it was dried mud pretty much. Lol. I don't even know how old these plants are but since they were stunted I'm just going to go another 6 weeks on 18/6 then flower!!:D
  9. MaryJaneGang

    grow number, help me achieve greatness and put me down if needed lol

    You sir should not be in this section.
  10. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Thanks guys, I threw that pos away, i didn't buy any of this stuff so its disposable, and I'm going to get more of those plant bulbs, and the plants actually grow toward the led, and the led is 50w not 25w. Are they looking better? Here's one of the little girls
  11. MaryJaneGang

    When should I flower? Recommend some techniques

    That's what I have but most use 5s. But you should start small and move up anyway.
  12. MaryJaneGang

    When should I flower? Recommend some techniques

    From what I've read flower at 12" height, and you'll have around a 2' plant, longer you veg the bigger the flower. But I am new as well.
  13. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Here's my other bulbs 25w Led(probably not actual) 50w "grow light" Will they work? Also have 1 23watt cfl, as you can see I have a little bit of everyghing.
  14. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Here's the bulb, will it work? I don't think its a heat lamp but that thing gets really hot, is it to much for my lamp cord setup?
  15. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Actually there doing the opposite, thriving. They're loving every bit of what I changed; I put the lights around them instead of above to reduce stretching. Gave them new soil which is neural on ph and has no ferts, only used my hydrolyzed fish emultion for transplanting, I shut off the 200w...
  16. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Haha* fkn auto correct
  17. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Gaga I would never use perlite alone its mixed in, and I cut the yellow leaves off yesterday and transplanted into my secret mix lol and there green now and growing fast
  18. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Thank you, very helpful, the 200 w light is about 4 foot away, I got the LED about 5 inches above it. And I shut the other light off as it was too hot, all these are plugged into 3 different lamp cords, is that to hot for the cords and shit? I'm going to mix some perlite and use my neptunes...
  19. MaryJaneGang

    Whats wrong with the plants? :(

    Too much water? Using starter mix with perlite and a little bit of cheap lightly ferted soil. Waiting on my seaweed and fish fertilizer from neptunes harvest. Plants under 200w mh 25w led and 25w fluorescent grow light.
  20. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    I'll see whats up?