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  1. LeGanjaFairy

    Purple stems (only at the top) and "crispy" looking leaves

    I am worrying my head off over my plants right now which means I might just be trying to mother my little dears but when I went to check on them today five of thirteen had purple stems only at the top and two of those leaves are looking crispy and have strange patches of brown yellow. Now I may...
  2. LeGanjaFairy

    Second grow Ladyburn, Critical #47, Bubbleicious

    Help/advice anyone?
  3. LeGanjaFairy

    First Grow Journal LSD, Ladyburn, misc

    Help/advice anyone?
  4. LeGanjaFairy

    Second grow Ladyburn, Critical #47, Bubbleicious

    This is our second grow, wish us luck! 14X15 grow room. Its a bedroom... Windows are completely covered and sealed. Have a air conditioner window unit circulating the air and keeping the room at needed temperature. Also can afford nice reflectors so we removed the cheap reflector and hung...
  5. LeGanjaFairy

    First Grow Journal LSD, Ladyburn, misc

    This is our first grow, wish us luck! 14X15 grow room. Its a bedroom... Windows are completely covered and sealed. Have a air conditioner window unit circulating the air and keeping the room at needed temperature. Also can afford nice reflectors so we removed the cheap reflector and hung mylar...
  6. LeGanjaFairy

    1000w MH for seedlings and Purple Stem Question

    I just checked on them and one has slumped over but he is still bright green I moved them even further from the light but I am about to switch it out to what you said above. Hopefully the heat isn't to much from the MH already for the one the others are all looking great though! :]
  7. LeGanjaFairy

    1000w MH for seedlings and Purple Stem Question

    1)My seedlings are just now coming out of the soil and some still have their seeds on them but the two biggest are purplish I am justing wondering if that is normal I have read mixed reviews so I am not sure to worry or not. 2) I have my seedlings under a 1000w MH is that WAY to much for them...
  8. LeGanjaFairy

    Heating Pad? Good or Bad?

    I was just wondering how people are feeling about putting already germinated seeds(freshly put into soil) on top of heating pads. Anyone done this? How did that turn out for you guys? Right now I have ten sitting on top of one in my greenhouse tray. Should I keep the heating pad on 24/7 or cycle...
  9. LeGanjaFairy

    Did I Germinate Too Long?

    They are happily in soil now I will update as soon as they sprout lol until then I will be sitting here with my fingers crossed...anyone have good word on the whole heating pad thing for them? I have heard mixed reviews on doing this
  10. LeGanjaFairy

    Did I Germinate Too Long?

    Ahh Thanks to everyone so much :3
  11. LeGanjaFairy

    Did I Germinate Too Long?

    Oh they are alive they are STILL growing they aren't showing any signs of turning brown or anything so I am hopeful they will keep it up when they get in the soil:] Do you think I should leave them alone or give them a bit of B-1 to help them along a bit...I know you shouldn't normally give...
  12. LeGanjaFairy

    Did I Germinate Too Long?

    Fingers are crossed hard as can be! Thanks so much! :]
  13. LeGanjaFairy

    Welcome New Members!

    Hiya all :] It is wonderful to be here on a site with such nice and helpful people. I have been reading around this forum for months and finally joined hopefully I will learn a lot more and maybe even be able to get some goods growing and help someone else out! :] Thanks so much for this awesome...
  14. LeGanjaFairy

    Did I Germinate Too Long?

    I let my babies be for five days in a wet towel. I checked them a few minutes ago to find mass horror....I think. They have almost all grown to about 2" and have shed the seed. Have I killed them or can they still be put in soil? I have seen that some people have waited a while but I wasn't...