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  1. Kate622

    Jerk off when high!

    Hahahaha, oh my god. Thats great.
  2. Kate622

    Awesomest place you never thought would be awesome high

    I cannot even fuckin go places high. I tried to go to McDonalds once and these bitches were literally trying to pull me out of the car. I was just sittin there like "No, no, please no. Im too high. No." I ended up handing them some money to bring me back a McChicken, but one of those bastards...
  3. Kate622

    Jerk off when high!

    I knew someone who liked to do that. It kinda killed the phone sex for me when he was like "I dont want this pillow, I want you." I mean, Im sure he meant well and all, but... uuuuuh...
  4. Kate622

    Etiquette, do you have it??

    Hahaha, oh man. Everytime I hear about stoner's etiquette I think about this one friend I used to have. His roommate left town for about a week and left about 5lbs of weed behind. Dude smoked it all before his roommate got back. Best part is, that wasnt even exactly his "roommate". The guy was...
  5. Kate622

    How did you get so highhhhhhhhh

    My gorgeous pipe.
  6. Kate622

    How :S Help Please

    A friend of mine just got a cool ass grinder confiscated at the border going back to the states. Shit pissed me off. I told him he should have just left it. But, uh, grinding isnt that difficult. Scissors will work fine.
  7. Kate622

    What the fuck is wrong with me?

    Thats not even cool, man.
  8. Kate622

    Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?

    Eh, whatever makes your toes curl. Me personally, I like packing cigarettes. Ive been told thats a waste of weed, but I dont see it that way. As long as I get high, Im straight. Not like Im looking to get straight up plastered every time I smoke.
  9. Kate622

    nowstopwhining appears in SKUNK magazine

    Definitely voted for you. That shit is fuckin rife with crystals.
  10. Kate622

    What do you like to do high?

    Whatever is going on. Walk, talk, listen to music, clean stuff, shoot some pool. It just depends.
  11. Kate622

    It should not be this difficult to find a joint.

    You ever have one of those days when you just can't seem to find any weed anywhere? And then you look outside your window at all the people walking by and you're pretty sure every single one of them has a gram on them. And you could go out tonight and get completely fucked off like everybody...
  12. Kate622

    gOOD sONGS tO sMOKE a jOINT tO

    Hey, does that say Montreal? 514, son. Where you from?
  13. Kate622

    instant BUZZKILL

    Damn. Something sorta like that happened to me once, except I wasnt high. I was naked. Id rather get pulled high than naked.
  14. Kate622

    gOOD sONGS tO sMOKE a jOINT tO

    War- Low rider Pete Rock and CL Smooth- They Reminisce Over You, Take You There(9th wonder remix), and The Creator Sam Sparro- Black and Gold Method Man, Mary J Blige- Youre all I need Billie Holiday- Long Gone Blues(gxr remix)
  15. Kate622

    My vehicle was stolen

  16. Kate622

    My vehicle was stolen

    Damn, homey.
  17. Kate622

    To people saying they cant get weed....

    Not really an epic story, but I was out walking this day. I stop at a crosswalk and light a cigarette. Homeboy just walks up to me and says "Hey, you wanna buy some weed?" I guess something about me just screams I smoke the ganja.
  18. Kate622

    Largest amount smoked in a single sitting>

    On my own, about a dub. With other people, lord fuckin knows how much weed gets passed around. Anyway, I usually dont like to smoke too much at once. I like to preserve my supplies. But, ya know, sometimes you just wanna get blazed as fuck.
  19. Kate622

    The stop smoking commercial...

    The one with the dog is my favorite. I dont know what theyre talking about. My dog likes me more when I smoke weed. I pet him more. Man, those commercials are bullshit though. Theyre not gonna stop anybody from smoking. All theyre doing is validating these holier than thou pricks who have...
  20. Kate622

    420 what are you doing?

    Im three hours ahead of you, but at 4:20 here I was doing some spring cleaning. Something Id rather do stoned than sober.