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  1. Halfthrive

    Ways to Increase yield

    Totaly, photosynthesis man. Adding more light and ventilation will add yield but it's pointless if you cut away the plants means of harnessing all that extra carbon and light. Let the leaves fall away naturally as they get deprived of nitrogen.
  2. Halfthrive

    does any 1 know i should start giving molases

    ever since I started doing it like that I've been getting amazing results.
  3. Halfthrive

    Want to know about Fucking Incredible

    I plan on it but it will be later on cause I just got three new strains from the attitude and I'm waiting to see how they turn out.
  4. Halfthrive

    Want to know about Fucking Incredible

    I've been curious about Fucking Incredible from Vancouver Island Seed CO. for some time now. I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with this.
  5. Halfthrive

    g13 armageddon

    Sweet. Me, I'm too lazy to start a grow journal.
  6. Halfthrive

    g13 armageddon

    I cant tell you how it is but I want to keep in touch with you cause I just started armageddon from homegrown fantaseeds and I want to see if they come out different.
  7. Halfthrive

    First time order: The Attitude!! Insight Please

    I got mine in a week and I live on the west coast. There were 3 10 packs and five other bags with seeds and you couldn't feel shit when holding the package.
  8. Halfthrive

    Armageddon and Royal Oragne

    So I sprouted these two strains and their doin great. I'd start a grow journal but I'm too lazy. As soon as their ready I'll post the results. Peace P.S. I mispelled ORANGE. so Royal Orange is the other strain.
  9. Halfthrive

    Oregon Alert!!!!

    I'm pushin everyone I know to support the current regulations and vote to restrict employer's from discriminating against medical user's.
  10. Halfthrive

    Oregon MMJ Doctors?

    Dude call the MAMA clinic in Portland, There the best when it comes to getting a card and telling you what you need to get it. Here's there #503-233-4202. And heres there site
  11. Halfthrive

    Maybe it is true?

    Amen Brother! no matter what else happens Obama's got my love and support just for this alone.:bigjoint:
  12. Halfthrive

    bubble hash ?

    lol, im so ripped that it took me a while to remember what an abacus was. I remember now.:-P
  13. Halfthrive

    4 X Larger buds with volume therapy its easy

    you should google "music enhancing plant growth" and see what comes up. Universities across the globe have done extensive research, much more indepth and over a longer period of time than mythbusters. One french biologist says that its sound waves of a particular frequency that plants love. I...
  14. Halfthrive

    Why autoflower?

    So i've read lots of threads with people who grow auto flower strains. What's the benefit. I don't have a problem with my plants going into flower. What's the deal, let me know. Peace.
  15. Halfthrive

    bubble hash ?

    Of course you do, were all blazed.
  16. Halfthrive

    Seeds in grodan cubes?

    So I use 2" grodan cubes for my clones. I've been growin for a while and have always use clones but I just got some seeds and I just wonder if you can use the same cubes as clones?
  17. Halfthrive

    Pot might become legal in CA Just read this shit. OMG. It might fucking happen.
  18. Halfthrive

    Who loves ANIME!

    When you see group of innocent people get munched by a demon or a school girl getting worked by a demon with a massive cock you cant really call it a cartoon anymore.
  19. Halfthrive


    Anybody ever try and/or grow this strain befor? Breeder says its the most potent strain ever.
  20. Halfthrive

    The Trinity

    Wow I haven't heard that name in a long time. I hope it's not lost I used to love the trin. I'll look for it too it used to be everywhere here in oregon as well.