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  1. P

    Enough light?

    That shit is real.
  2. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    56 days (exactly 8 weeks) under 12/12/ lighting, this female of unkown bagseed origin (mids?) is chopped and hanging. One tortured bud near the top was quick-dried for testing purposes. And the verdict is... stoned!
  3. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    I just chopped it. There were 10-20 percent amber trichomes on the top buds, so I flipped out and put the machete to work. Im psyched! Pics to follow.
  4. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Every little bit of advice helps me form a more complete opinion, so thanks. Unfortunately I don't know the strain, other than it most likely came from mexican brick seeds. I got my jewelers lens checking the little crystal mushrooms every day and as soon as I see amber, I am chopping. So...
  5. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Wow 4 weeks from today would put the total flowering time at 80 days! That is over 11 weeks. But they didn't show their sex until day 14 or so of 12/12 lighting so if you go by that, then it is still 66 days or 9.5 weeks. Kinda long time to bloom isn't it?
  6. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Well its my first time and I made every mistake in the book. Almost killed them when switching over to 12/12 due to lighting inadequacies. She is a spunky survivor I tell you what, and the veg'ing clone I took of her, whom I call Alphagirl, is already bigger and bushier. I snipped the...
  7. P

    This a girl?

    I'm a newb too, but it looks like a new leaf growing, not hairs or balls.
  8. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Thanks everyone. It looks like the consensus is at least 1 week, maybe more. Oh I am jonesin' bad!
  9. P

    Is she ready to harvest?

    Hi, first grow, bagseed, it has been 51 days in 12/12 light, and I am wondering how close to done she is. For some reason I can never tell,though I have stared and stared at her. My gut is she is geting close, but I am worried because the lower buds don't seem as developed as the top ones...
  10. P

    I cut my first bud, here she is

    Yeah I have a little jewelers lens I use to look at the trichomes, and they appeared to be mostly cloudy/some clear, but no amber, and only a few of the hairs were amber. I am pretty sure this is premature, impatience led me to snip this bud. The rest of the plant is still cooking,and there...
  11. P

    I cut my first bud, here she is

    Thanks, are dark leaves bad? They are VERY dark green.
  12. P

    I cut my first bud, here she is

    This was grown from bag-seed, the biggest tiger-striped seeds from the best "samples" I have had the pleasure to intake over the years. The shoots popped up on 4-20 (of course) and were switched to flowering mode on 5-20. Out of 12 plants I only ended up with one female, due to foolishly...