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  1. R

    Im stumped...

    But why are only some of my plants doing it?
  2. R

    Im stumped...

    Ive recently started to notice certain plants are turning yellow, well alot of the leaves are turning yellow. Theyre the same strains all getting fed the same regiment from my drip system. Heres what im giving them currently 1 tsp/gal flora grow once per week 1tblsp/gal flora micro twice per...
  3. R

    Discoloration of leaves

    You could very well be right. But at the same time ive never had an issue in the past with this soil and ive done over 20 different strains. I get the soil for next to nothing so thats why i use it plus im always happy with the results. Ive used fox farm and other soils with the same results so...
  4. R

    Discoloration of leaves

    I took them from indoor lights to being planted outdoors within 24 hours. So i didnt harden them up yet. I didnt really have issues because the day i transplanted everything it was overcast and cloudy and it stayed that way fore and a couple days after that. None of them really wilted at all...
  5. R

    Discoloration of leaves

    Miracle grow 3 month garden soil. I havent hit them with any nutes yet. Usually they're good for the first month or two with no added nutes. I did hit them with some calmag two days ago and i havent noticed any change.
  6. R

    Discoloration of leaves

    Its all over the plant. Top, bottom, middle, etc. Heres a few pics of the plants affected.
  7. R

    Discoloration of leaves

  8. R

    Discoloration of leaves

    I have 3 different strains all planted at the same time in 3-5 gallon holes in the ground. I have blue dream, gsc, and sour d. My blue dream and sour d are doing just fine but these cookies are giving me some issues. First i think i may have burned them a tad by transplanting them in nutrient...
  9. R

    Super sour d

    I'm wondering what the flower time is for super sour d. I picked up a few clones and now I'm wondering if I should keep them because the only source I saw online said they take about 12-13 weeks. Can anyone confirm?
  10. R

    Odor during hanging process

    Just a make sure u don't try curing them when it's still wet. You'll ruin ur whole crop.
  11. R

    Odor during hanging process

    I hung about 60 plants in my house and it smells like grass and outdoor. But once I trim it the real smell comes out and when I cure it for a couple days it smells super dank. I'm on day 10 of drying. I've kept Temps about 65 and humidity about 60. They have another day or two before all the...
  12. R

    how are they looking

    It's a tough choice but I decided to pull early. I'm taking Wavel's advice and pulling the ones that are more ready than others. Every morning I keep coming out to my tops rotted out. I had a minor caterpillar problem but most of what I'm finding is moldy rot. It rained on my plants off and on...
  13. R

    how are they looking

    Well we had a light rain yesterday and it's been muggy and cloudy so I'm just going to start pulling. It's going to take me about 4-7 days to knock off the sun leaves and hang them. I usually average about 10-12 per day. Also ive already been flushing the last couple days so I'm just gonna pull...
  14. R

    how are they looking

    That sounds like a good idea. I'll start checking em out today to see which ones need to go. Also most of my leaves are yellowing. I'm not sure if it a deficiency or the plants are telling me to pull them lol
  15. R

    how are they looking

    Is it too early now or should I hold off a week. I like the head high anyways so maybe it's a good thing if I pull early. I checked the trichomes and there's a mix between clear, milky, and amber on all the buds
  16. R

    how are they looking

    Well that's the thing is I keep finding bud rot and no caterpillars. It gets very wet here over at night because I live near the coast so there's a ton of moisture in the air. I'm not sure what I should do. Pull early or wait it out and lose more bud to rot? I just don't want to spray anymore...
  17. R

    how are they looking

  18. R

    how are they looking

    Here's an update. Can I pull now?
  19. R

    question on spraying

    Well ive found over 20 catapillars on my 63 plants. I wouldnt say its a huge problem but ive been spraying all season just to make sure they dont go rampant all over my garden. Last year i lost about 1/3 of my crop to these things. Im so paranoid about these damn bugs that ive ordered almost...
  20. R

    question on spraying

    Thanks for the input. I ended up just using green cure for mold so ill spray the caterpillar spray in a couple days. I should be getting my ladybugs on tuesday so ill make sure i spray before then.