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  1. R

    lst training questions

    So i just got done tieing most of them down. Now my question is what about the other side of the plant that was flourishing before is it gonna die off? Also what are the benefits to what i just did. Sorry for the newbie questikns but im just trying to soak up as kuch info in the shortest amount...
  2. R

    newbie question about flowering

    Good luck on urs too. Do you have any pics of your grow? Also what strands are u growing?
  3. R

    lst training questions

    Ohhhh ok gotcha. So from what i got out of this is just keep em tied down till they stay like that then its ok to un-tie them. My plants are only a little over two feet tall since i started so late in the season so im hoping this will help.
  4. R

    lst training questions

    Really? I thought u keep em tied down just for a few hours then un-tie them?
  5. R

    lst training questions

    Ok thanks for the comment. Also will it be ok if i leave em tied until the following day when i get home? Should be about 22 hours.
  6. R

    lst training questions

    Ive been doing research lately on how to lst your plants and im gonna do it today when i get home. My questions are is it ok to lst them tonight and leave em like that all day tomorrow or do i need to do it in the morning? Also how long and frequently should i be doing this to my plants...
  7. R

    a couple questions

    My first question is what should i be feeding or using on my plants? Theyve been outdoors for a month and a half and transplanted in the ground about a week ago using fox farm soil. Im pretty sure the nutrients from the soil will be running out pretty soon. So what products should i be using...
  8. R

    newbie question about flowering

    Thanks bro. Im hoping they atleast reach 5ft. I think they shouldnt have any problem now that theyre in the ground.
  9. R

    newbie question about flowering

    Heres a little update. I think my plants are back on the right track and most have grown a foot since i last posted. Ive been watering them everyday and feeding them the age old growth and a root excelerator every other day. Im up to 14 plants since i atleast want 3 pounds out of this season and...
  10. R

    newbie question about flowering

    so what month should i shoot for next year? may?
  11. R

    newbie question about flowering

    damn that sucks. i guess i got a late start this season huh.. well im not trippin, this is more of a trial run for next year.
  12. R

    newbie question about flowering

    btw i already bought age old growth that ill start feeding them in a couple weeks.
  13. R

    newbie question about flowering

    ok cool. Im just hoping for about 3-4 pounds off these plants? is there a way to make them produce more buds?
  14. R

    newbie question about flowering

    hello everyone. Im new here and new to growing as this is my first time. Anyways im a little nervous about my babies. I have 4 Sour Diesel, 4 GDP, and 2 hybrids of blue dream, all growing outdoors. My concern is how can i tell if they are flowering to soon? I just planted them about two weeks...
  15. R

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    Hey i dont mean to highjack this thread or anything but this is my first time growing and im a little nervous about my babies. I have 4 Sour Diesel, 4 GDP, and 2 hybrids of blue dream, all growing outdoors. My concern is how can i tell if they are flowering to soon? I just planted them about two...