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  1. R

    Miricle Grow Garden Feeder and Drip System?

    Ohh ok that makes since. I forgot to mention im only using half a bag of mg per feeding instead of the full bag that is reccommended on the package. Maybe thats why my plants seem to do pretty good with it
  2. R

    Miricle Grow Garden Feeder and Drip System?

    We'll see, but i was using age old growth before and they did ok but i switched to miracle grow and they went crazy. It may not be the best but im definetly happy with it so far. And as far as left over nutes isnt that why your supposed to flush them the last week or so? Also when they start to...
  3. R

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

    Btw do u have any current pics of your plants?
  4. R

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

    Honestly ive been using super thrive and miracle grow since day one and they seem to love it. At this point theyre growing about 1-2inches per day. I havent ph'd the water or anything and theyre very healthy. Those two nutes can be purchased at walmart
  5. R

    Miricle Grow Garden Feeder and Drip System?

    Why not?? My plants seem to love it..
  6. R

    Update on my grow before and after pics inside

    Also with plants these sizes hiw much more growth should i expect by harvest and should i count on maybe a couple ozs per plants or maybe a half lb per plant?
  7. R

    Update on my grow before and after pics inside

    Ya i wish we could put a pool out there. But we bbq and eat near the garden for the most part. Plus it smells good so well just go out there and relax next to the plants
  8. R

    Update on my grow before and after pics inside

    Lol. Craftsman. I accidently uploaded the wrong pics from my phone. I put the right ones up now.
  9. R

    Update on my grow before and after pics inside

    Hey i just wanted to give an update on my plants and show how theyre doing. I planted them in the ground on 6-23-12. Theyve been in the ground a little less than a month and all except one has doubled or tripled in size. Btw they are all currently revegging, well except for the gdp that one has...
  10. R

    Update of my bitches!!!

    What are you expecting to yield per plant?
  11. R

    Whats next??

    On the picture i posted of the bulb looking thing near the stem, does that mean they're flowering? And if so should i start giving them bloom nutrients or should i still wait?
  12. R

    Whats next??

    Ya most of my plants are reveging. Once my bro relized he wasnt gonna use the rest of the plants he left em all in the shade for a few weeks and then they started to go into flowering mode. Once i told him that i would take him he put in the sun and they started to reveg
  13. R

    Whats next??

    Ok so i shouldnt be cropping them? Also what are these little bulbs near the stem? And what does it mean?
  14. R

    Whats next??

    At this point what sould i be doing to my plants? This is my first grow so im still very inexperienced lol. They look healthy to me but i just want to make sure i get the most out of my harvest. They are all about 2-3 feet tall. I havent topped, croped or anything else to them. Well actually 5...
  15. R

    lst training questions

    Thx. Ya they seem to be likeing the ground more than the pots.
  16. R

    lst training questions

    Lol. well ur not too far off. My bro only had like 3 5 gallon pots. So we had to cram em in the pots as best we could but im sure the clonea wouldnt have lasted very long like that lol
  17. R

    lst training questions

    Lol. I see where your going with this. But no they werent stolen. They were at my brothers house. These were his extras that he didnt want. He put about 5 plants per 50 gallon pot just to get them going. And those pots wouldnt fit in my little two door hatch lol. Heres a pic
  18. R

    lst training questions

    Ya everything is on the same schedule. When i planted them, the holes were a little small :( . They were only about 12x12 holes but the ground was just tilled a couple weeks earlier so its all really soft dirt about 1 1/2- 2ft down so im not too worried. I just didnt have time to dig deep holes...
  19. R

    lst training questions

    Well i have 11 blue dream plants growing and 4 other strands growing. As far as the blue dream they were all planted in the same size holes at the same time and they were all very close to the same size. I only tied down 5 and left the 6 others standing up. I havent done anything to them except...
  20. R

    lst training questions

    But if im growing outdoors and i dont care about how tall it gets is there any benefit to lst?