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  1. R

    My first real grow

    Thanks man. It looks bigger in the pics than it really is.
  2. R

    My first real grow

    a couple more pics
  3. R

    My first real grow

    Well im going to take another stab at it. I grew a couple years but I took a break because of all of the obsticles I had to deal with. Im growing Girl Scout Cookie, Blue Dream, Sour D, and Chem4. I don't have much to post as far as pics but heres to give an idea of what im dealing with.
  4. R

    leaves still yellowing!!!!!

    Ya its been about two weeks in the sun. It was fine until about 4-5 days ago. Ill cut the branch and post some pics of the stem tomorrow. Ill also try the peroxide. Thanks for the tips!!
  5. R

    leaves still yellowing!!!!!

    What would cause root rot and what can i do to get rid of it?
  6. R

    leaves still yellowing!!!!!

    Nope i checked for broken branches and there all fine. Heres another pic
  7. R

    leaves still yellowing!!!!!

    I posted about a week ago about my plants drooping and yellowing of the leaves. I took care of the drooping problem. I was under wartering. The yellowing leaves were normal for this stage in the plants life. But one plant in particular is continuing to yellow. It went from about 10% of the plant...
  8. R

    yellowing leaves?

    But i thought during flowing they dont need nitrogen?
  9. R

    yellowing leaves?

    So i went and checked on my babies after two days and this is what i found. Some of the leaves on tge majority of my plants have turned yellow and look like theyre dying. I was giving them water every two days and feeding them with miracle grow bloom. I just started feeding them about two weeks...
  10. R

    plants going into shock

    Well if i keep em in the shade will they still produce buds or will it be dramitacally less?
  11. R

    plants going into shock

    And yes im that guy lol
  12. R

    plants going into shock

    How long do i keep them in the sun? The reason being is after about 20 min they start to droop? Is it ok if they droop is that bad?
  13. R

    plants going into shock

    So as some of you might know i had to transplant my babies into pots last saturday and sunday. They survived the transplant and havent wilted or drooped at all. Ive been keeping them in full shade since but how long do i need to wait before i can put em back in the sun? Ive been trying to put...
  14. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Well i transplanted two of my girls last night and theyve been in shade and they are doing great!! They didnt wilt over or anything. How long should i wait before i put them back in the sun?
  15. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Nope no medical grow for me. Who would have 14 plants for a medical grow??? I actually dont even smoke. Im just looking to make enough money to open my business :) . And i do plan on getting out of his motherfuckin house.. But not untili finish my crops. Unless he decides to chop em in which...
  16. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Ya im thinking 20-25k. I have a buyer that will buy everything for 2600-2800 a pound in northern florida. I hve 14-plants about 4-5 feet tall and thats with them being lst'd and supercropping them. So i should get a decent yeild (knock on wood)
  17. R

    fucked up news!!!

  18. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Well ive decided to keep em in the ground and im going to give him my 30 day notice at the end of the month. It sucks for him because im one of the more rare tenants here in vallejo that pay my rent early every month and ive never called him to my place to fix anything so hes gonna lose a great...
  19. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Thanks for the laws. Unfortunetly he is compliant with all of the above. My issue is that i could stall till harvest but whats from stopping him from killing them in the mean time?
  20. R

    fucked up news!!!

    Ok well in the lease agreement he said no growing mj (i believe) i do plan on moving afrer harvest but i was hoping to atleast get my deposit back. Also the growers card is in my brothers name who doesnt live with me. Well you guys talked me out of the indoor route but i still need to transplant...