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  1. thomashankle

    wondering if my plants are suffering

    Changed to mH bulb, cant get good pic with lights off. Question, can i start some kind of fim defoliage regemine this early?
  2. thomashankle

    wondering if my plants are suffering

    Also gonna change water in res
  3. thomashankle

    wondering if my plants are suffering

    Im using hps, switching to mh tonight to see if that helps. My ppm are at 700-750 i will take another picture
  4. thomashankle

    wondering if my plants are suffering

    Strugglimg to get pics on this mofo..
  5. thomashankle

    wondering if my plants are suffering

    Im relatively inexperienced with hydro, trying out a 16 site ebb n gro system i built. Can anyone tell me if my plants are lagging behind? They are two weeks from seed . I had two 600w but ran too hot and now down to one. Worried the temp spike slowed em down. Thank you!
  6. thomashankle

    How to set up a CGE scrubber room?

    Could I hook up two electric backdampers between rooms B and C? Both with fans, one functioning as an intake and another an exhaust into/out of the flower room? For example, if the rh/temp was too low in room c, air would be brought in from room b, and if it was too high, it would be expelled??!
  7. thomashankle

    How to set up a CGE scrubber room?

    I am planning on moving within the upcoming months... With my move comes the monumental task of constructing a new room for some new ladies. For my second room, I would like to test my hand at a sealed/closed grow environment. I've been looking through diagrams, photographs, and forum posts...
  8. thomashankle

    Newbie Questions: Grow Electricity and Environment

    Hey y'all.. I just concluded my first grow and would like to establish a much more consistent environment in my grow room. I prefer not to shop online, and likewise, shop at my local hydroponics store. It ONLY distributes Hydrofarm products. It's more expensive, and a longer drive... But...
  9. thomashankle

    Ez-cloner question

    Also, I am by career a dish washer. So every plate gets washed.
  10. thomashankle

    Ez-cloner question

    I'll more than likely clean it and use it on single clones for a few runs. I just didn't know if the threat of contamination would still be too great after cleaning with a bleach or light chlorine solution and then rinsing. Assuming it had been used and I didn't know it's exact history. I've...
  11. thomashankle

    Ez-cloner question

    My buddy passed onto me his EZ-Cloner... My question is... First, should I use it? I know he's used it a couple times and I do plan on cleaning it... But I'm still worried about contamination. Second, once the clone is rooted... What do I do with it. Stupid question I know... But I have never...
  12. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    I switched last week to an 18/6 light cycle. I got the molasses from my buddy who owns an organic (RoT organics) shop in Texas. For best microbial growth, he recommended 4 oz per gallon of water. I stopped using it though after doing further research and discovering that it's more important to...
  13. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    Can anyone recommend a good two part mix? For bloom? Also, I just flipped the switch, in one day of 12/12 the biggest plant grew 3 inches and the stem doubled in thickness.
  14. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    I'm considering either the Humboldt Natural Grow & Bloom W/ Humboldt Deuce Deuce or the Blue Mountain Organics
  15. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    Well, my room has only ever hit high 80s/91 once. And that was because it was the warmest day and also the last warm day since outdoor temps have dropped. That day it was 80F outside, and 91F inside the growroom. Now the outdoor temps are about 32-45F and my grow room sits at about 76F. Do you...
  16. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    Thanks, I was worried they might not be at peak health because I read a couple other articles/posts that said the first set of leaves being green is a sign of good health.
  17. thomashankle

    First Grow Setup - Advice, Tips, Tricks, Knowledge Would Be Appreciated!

    I am by no means an expert or even experienced cannabis cultivator, but my advice for your first time would to be keep it simple. And by keep it simple I mean let the plant do its own thing and communicate with you and vice versa. Topping and supercropping are great techniques, but before you...
  18. thomashankle

    Putting seeds in freezer before germinating?

    I freeze my seeds prior to germination and it works for me. By no means am I an expert grower, I'm on my first growth with high powered lights... I fill the ice tray, put one seed in each slot of my ice tray, in my case the ice tray has 14 cube slots.. and then I freeze them over night, thaw...
  19. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    Can anyone tell me, am I stunted?
  20. thomashankle

    First grow question.... Stunted growth?

    I have two t5 fixtures, each one is 250W