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  1. aWes0m3

    Sugar Leaves and Some Pistils turning brown?

    I've been growing this auto for about 9 weeks from seed. 300W LED (~150W actual power draw) 19/5 schedule Dr Earth Pot of Gold soil, 5 Gallon pots. Did not mix in perlite (I will next time). Watering probably too often. I've stopped watering until the pots feel very light. Feeding General...
  2. aWes0m3

    Showing some early signs of some sort of deficiency, having a hard time diagnosing

    Dr Earth Pot of Gold is all organic, as are my nutrients. The soil does have nutrition in it, but as I understand it, organic nutrients are a little more forgiving when it comes to overfeeding, but you're right that I've been giving it too much stuff. That's why the last few feeds I backed off...
  3. aWes0m3

    Showing some early signs of some sort of deficiency, having a hard time diagnosing

    so, that weird lime green discoloration near the buds? Any comments on that?
  4. aWes0m3

    Showing some early signs of some sort of deficiency, having a hard time diagnosing

    Hello folks, I have two auto plants in the early-mid flower stage. One is Auto Speed Bud from Female Seeds, the other is a Bubblicious from Nirvana seeds. Aside from some slow growth early on (I was using some really weak LEDs, have since upgraded to a 300W (~150W actual draw) LED) the plants...
  5. aWes0m3

    its a dude, dude

    Topic title says it all. My first grow, plant looks beautiful, smells skunky as all hell, and its a dude. Its got more balls than an all male dodge ball team. I've grown kind of attached to this plant, though, and as my first grow, I'm pretty proud of the results so far even given the...
  6. aWes0m3

    What do you think?

    Okay... Yeah, its small for 6 weeks I guess... Its bag seed, not like i had guaranteed genetics.... I also kept it in a smaller pot for too long, stunting its growth... But okay man, if you think its small. Not like it won't double in size when i start to flower it.
  7. aWes0m3

    What do you think?

    No... I said 6 weeks in the beginning of my post. The MG potting soil I'm using has 6 months of nutrients... low low percentage, I don't have the bag but it's something like .15% - .05% - .07% NPK.
  8. aWes0m3

    What do you think?

    Been growing now for 6 weeks or so from a bagseed. Currently using 4x23w 5000K CFL, will be adding 6x 21w 2700K CFL middle of next week and switching to 12/12. FIM'd about two weeks ago, you can see the spot where I cut it at the bottom of the last picture. Any weird discoloring is a result...
  9. aWes0m3

    got my nutes

    Hey, Negative Nancy. Try backing up your statement with some facts, people who act like you just have are the worst kind. I've been using GH Bio- line of vegan organic plant foods (aside from the BioMarine, which contains squid) and am having great success on a bagseed grow.
  10. aWes0m3

    Regular or Femenized?

    the colloidal silver causes a genetic mutation which forces hermaphroditism. DNA and genetics affect everything, and everything affects DNA and genetics.
  11. aWes0m3

    12/12 from seed ok???

    Its an auto. 18/6 from start to finish. The whole point of autoflowering is they dont require a change in photoperiod to bein the flowering stage.
  12. aWes0m3

    Another yellow leaf thread...

    The first sets of 3 leaves die off, they're just "starter" leaves, don't worry about it. As long as the rest of the vegetation looks healthy you know you're good.
  13. aWes0m3

    Switching to 12/12, but one question first

    Thanks for the quick feedback. I'll wait it out and see how she grows. She looks way darker green in these pics than she actually is, btw.
  14. aWes0m3

    Switching to 12/12, but one question first

    I've been growing my plant for a while now. It's just a bagseed, nothing special, and it could even turn out male (though I hope not). In any case, I don't know how long exactly I've been growing it for but I know it's been in veg for at least 5 weeks. It's only about 8" tall, though I think I...
  15. aWes0m3

    SEX?????? What the hell????

    Are you referring to the new vegetation growing in the nodes? I don't see what you're talking about in the pics, just new vegetative growth in the nodes, which is completely normal.
  16. aWes0m3

    WTF makes stuff turn orange in room????

    Feel your pain. I went undiagnosed for 7 months with a brain tumor. Of course, mine is regular cancer, not caused by an unknown disease. As for the discoloration, I'm going with the SNES theory...
  17. aWes0m3

    how much is too much

    The real answer is no, you can never have too much light. Think about the sun and how powerful that light source is, then think about a light bulb in your closet... Anyway, the problem of heat from too many lights and cost of electricity should be taken into consideration.
  18. aWes0m3

    Don't let this happen to you!

    Even if it isn't root bound, it outgrew the pot it was in. The roots were beginning to grow out the drainage hole in the bottom.
  19. aWes0m3

    homegrown skunk

    I can't confirm this for sure, but I'd say leave them out until they're ready to harvest if you've been growing them outdoors. Shouldn't be long anyway, considering they've been outside for 6 months.