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  1. F

    NEED HELP tea + lucas ?

    the information you seek is there if you seek it's not something you just pick up from an "expert" at the hydro store from experience I've learned people don't want to answer questions with too many variables they don't want to do the work for you correct spelling is always a plus, too slow...
  2. F

    Sannie's DID NOT screw up my order!!!

    Not necessarily a good man. Just married.
  3. F

    My Public Apology To Sannie

    And alive. Always a good thing.
  4. F

    Help - Sannie Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    I am duly spanked and have learned my lesson. Wish I could admit it's a stealth issue but I took that puppy apart under a microscope and no soap. Sannie's cool though; no issues there. Sorry to stir up a hornet's nest.
  5. F

    Sannie's DID NOT screw up my order!!!

    nope their mistake but they're making it good I assumed incorrectly they're open 7 days a week.
  6. F

    Sannie's DID NOT screw up my order!!!

    mea culpa mea stupid mea sorry
  7. F

    My Public Apology To Sannie

    Let's just say my faith in Holland has been restored and I'm not sorry we saved their ass in World War II. And let this be an abject lesson to all you newbies out there. Don't jump the gun. Unless of course you prefer egg on your face and your foot in your mouth. Peace
  8. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    You sound like my wife. Honey?
  9. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    I forgot them soft socialists get the weekend off
  10. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    I appreciate that greatly and promise to avoid multiple sarcasms. I'm one of the idiots who didn't read the warning regarding Amsterdam Seed Company until AFTER I ordered. Patience is a virtue in all things so lesson learned. Best to your garden.
  11. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    Why? Is there a limit? Just kidding. I mistakenly submitted 2. Is there like Rollitup Stupid Jail or something? Cause I'll go. Peace out.
  12. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    It's been since Friday. I panic easy.
  13. F

    Sannie's Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    Only freebies in package - not the seeds I ordered. They haven't responded to my email querries. Anyone out there can reassure me?
  14. F

    Help - Sannie Seeds Screwed Up My Order

    What I ordered wasn't in the package - just the freebies - and now they won't respond to my email querries. Anyone out there who can assure me they'll make good? I was under the impression they were legit. Help
  15. F

    Looking for a used 400w / 250w HPS kit

    What if handicapped children are your religion?
  16. F

    Are Worm Castings An Alternative or Supplement to Compost?

    thanks for taking the time really - you've earned a mitzvah may I ask you to thumbs up or thumbs down wet vs dry nutrients? I'm indoor with dirt my thinking was wet gives one more control over dosing start slow plus I don't have time to age my dirt this go around I have bone, blood, greensand...
  17. F

    Are Worm Castings An Alternative or Supplement to Compost?

    I've got access to a good horse manure based compost. Wondering if I should spend the extra on worm castings as well? Any thoughts out there?
  18. F

    Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

    I think you are all right. Miracle Grow is basically Epson salts (magnesium sulfate) dyed red or blue and treated with amonia nitrate (chemical fertilizer made from the air of all things) plus several trace elements. It's not necessarily cheaper than organic when one considers the differences...
  19. F

    To Fem Seed Or Not To Fem Seed - That Is The Question

    At present it's as cheap to buy fem seeds from Herbie's as reg seeds from Sannie's for virtually same product.
  20. F

    To Fem Seed Or Not To Fem Seed - That Is The Question

    Where did you get your seeds if you don't mind my asking? I had same problem with fem seeds from Attitude which is why I'm asking. One day they'll do this with humans - fems only - so enjoy it boys.