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    copper looking tips

    he's says bout 3 more weeks and no he hasn't flushed yet Edit thx for quick replies lol he was freakin out
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    copper looking tips

    A friends plant, can anyone help? Edit: copper tips only appearing on top bud sites but slowly creeping their way to rest of them
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    drooping plants, plants not doing good

    thx for the replies guys, after more careful observation, i do suspect it is beginning of root just so hard sometimes to get the correct diagnosis
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    drooping plants, plants not doing good

    hey guys thanks for quick replies =) @jim thats whats under the plate. i have my black air tubes coming in from top so early on i added the plate to help with any extra light leaks, as far as i can tell there is no light leaks. @bugeye no the roots do not feel slimey(just checked)
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    drooping plants, plants not doing good

    short story, changed the water of dwc 2 days ago and plants just pooped over =( temp70 humidity 60% ph is 6.0 2 and a half gallons of tap water in 5 gallon bucket ppm is 300 LED 20/4 lights(low light right now because of the stressed plants) dual air pump dynagrow nuts(using 1/4 m/l)was using...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thanks kind, i figured it was that long since they are about 6 weeks in
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    how many more weeks for this girl
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    UV Sterilizer??

    Hey guys, SourBud here just wondering what is your guys opinion on them? Are there any good ones you guys can vouch for? I've got 2 beautiful girls who are 6 weeks into flowering been fighting root problems for what seems like forever! I tried alot including teas, aquashield, great...
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    led bleach or calmg def?

    here is a slightly closer pic...still dont know what it could be, other seedling is still completely green temp is 79 humidity ranging 45-50 ph 5.8 ppm <200 the tips of the sides are white-ish upon closer examination
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    led bleach or calmg def?

    i got my nutes from stealth hydro, they have prepackaged powder nutes. i only have one other and its a little slower on growing but its little leaves are a very nice green and no spots or anything. if it helps it looks like one of the leaves that hasnt come out yet is brown spotted, i am now...
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    led bleach or calmg def?

    I tried to get a close up with my phone camera but it comes out blurry. I havn't sprayed with lights on. And i recently moved my lights higher 2 days ago(26 inches)from 16 inches. I can put my hands where the plant is for 30 secs and its not hot at all.
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    led bleach or calmg def?

    started on the 25th: 2 plants bubbleponics grow with area 51(A51-90)led PH 5.8, tem 78-82 humidity 52 just added 1/4 of the recommended max nutrients+aquashield 2 days ago the other plant shows nothing on it looks perfect...but this one is showing something i cant tell what it is
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    Led Users Unite!

    Hello, I'm newer to growing, but I am extremely interested in the efficiency of the led grow lights. Almost 600 hundred pages is an extreme pain to deal with, nevertheless shows much promise on these lights. Can anyone give me a heads up on which companies to consider/avoid? I was inquiring the...