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  1. Juan Abongheet

    Need help, getting frustrated!

    sorry i didnt respond quicker- thats the exact problem it seems I kept having, except there was always some sort of goo. There was one thing I had totally missed- I stopped using filtered water! I was filtering our tap water with pur 3 stage and those really seem to do the trick. I moved them...
  2. Juan Abongheet

    Need help, getting frustrated!

    Ok.. Here is the deal. I have looked through all the other threads and most the google searches I could find, but I am still at a loss. I keep getting either grey slime on the submerged roots or lately black goo (not really slime, not dead plant matter). Here's the data: 6 site tub...
  3. Juan Abongheet

    Beer taps

    ROFL! Put them in the wall like there is a bar on the otherside- you know? Like you could pour a beer outta them. That will confuse those stoners.
  4. Juan Abongheet

    Why God?... Why?

    nicely nicely! I agree- its like one of the fundamental truths of Buddhism- with life comes suffering, suffering is caused by desire. We desire to have these things which we feel we need- i.e. in your example of cars and other material BS, which only serves us 'in the flesh'. In reality, we have...
  5. Juan Abongheet

    Is there pain in sleeping pill OD?

    ROFL! OR at least t'internets so they can read up on RIU right?
  6. Juan Abongheet

    Why God?... Why?

    A lot of this reminds me of that Southpark episode... Science be Damned! (edited out crappy HTML that found its way to be posted...)
  7. Juan Abongheet

    Why God?... Why?

    I posed a similar question to a firm southern baptist and his reply was this: "God has a plan for all of us. The death of another is not something which we need to assign reason to- its Gods plan. We need to not see the death as plainly as a loss, but more as God showing us a glimpse of his...
  8. Juan Abongheet

    Is there pain in sleeping pill OD?

    I agree! Not to sound cheesy, but the reason we live today right now is special- thats why its called the 'present'! Anyways, most OTC sleeping pills, like Tylenol PM are nothing but a sleeping aid and of course Tylenol or aspirin (acetaminophen) which would cause liver damage and stomach...
  9. Juan Abongheet

    RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

    funny how your allegations are pretty much verified by all the sudden hate comments coming your way. Although, some concrete evidence to back up your claims would be helpful in your case...
  10. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    I don't know. All the fan leaves are turning yellow as expected, but if I were to wait another month or something i think there wouldn't be much left! I got clones in the bubbleponics tub and am going to start them in 12/12 soon, so I think i am going to harvest this one soon... The triches...
  11. Juan Abongheet

    If obama gets 1million votes he will consider making pot legal

    Politics on both sides are winning the war on POLARIZING Americans.
  12. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Oh ya, pulled off a few stems from the bottom- definitely not ready but were stunted because of how low they were. Dried quickly and it was amazing...
  13. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Update again. Here are a few other pics...
  14. Juan Abongheet

    i got busted

    Gotta love it when the cops tell you what you will be charged with. You have to understand- they have no say EXCEPT the very charge they give you. Judge may say the cop was wrong and throw it out. You may be given a slap on the wrist. Cop has no idea, its called INTIMIDATION by FEAR.
  15. Juan Abongheet

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    Isn't it safe to say that what we have here is a "revealed religion" meaning that God spoke to a man and that man revealed what God said to him and him only to others... Thus we have faith in the man, not God because God didn't speak to us all, only the one man. I am a deist- if you believe in...
  16. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Oh and I haven't stopped with the nutes. Still doing a full TBL of bloom and a bit of liquid Karma. I do some Mg salt every other gallon and randomly will toss some blackstrap molasses in there.. Anything else that could increase them flowers much?
  17. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Updated pics- still on its way. Stinky too- smells like fresh pine trees that were home to a skunk lol! Anyways, heres another lot of pics. Let me know what you think.. Cheeers!
  18. Juan Abongheet

    Swine flu

    Actually "attenuated vaccine" means that they essentially take the virus and weaker so the body can create antibodies to fight it, all while preserving the live culture in a concoction of horrible chemicals. dont believe me? Try this site...
  19. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Oh- I forgot to ask.. Is it always safe to ascertain that when the hairs turn, so do the trichromes? Can you have white-ish hairs and amber trichromes or are they pretty much in unison. As you can tell i haven't done this often, LOL!
  20. Juan Abongheet

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Cheers all for the responses! I know i know, patience is virtue.. Like I had said, they should've been done by now! Oh well, I ordered a 40x loupe off ebay for less than $10- it will be here in about 10 days. ill post another after I get it and check out the trichromes.