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  1. cdici

    Not Marijuana Related, but Funny

    Wanted to pass along something funny that I read today to all my buds at It is not marijuana related, please forgive me if I'm not supposed to post something unrelated to pot. I changed the title of the article, (he,he!) Man Shoots Best Friend During Attempted Robery January 15...
  2. cdici

    High all...

    Sexybabelicious, huh. U as gorgeous as u sound? Y not put a few pics of yourself in your gallery, or partial pics if you don't want to show your face. You could include your pipe(s) in the picture to generate interest in your product!
  3. cdici

    T5 Flourescents and HPS combo...anyone use this?

    That is a COOL light, unfortunately not "cool" literally! You need come up with SOME form of air exchange rather than circulating the same (hot) air all day. I don't have a combo light like that, but I KNOW that that light will cause the temp. in an enclosed space to rise to plant killing levels...
  4. cdici

    switching light shedules!

    Peach, no problem, go 4 it. Alot of people start plants with flouresent and switch to a HID. Switching lights seems like more of a difference to the plant than adding a few extra hours and they do fine. Don't sweat the small stuff. An 18/6 to 24/0 swich is the small stuff. k?
  5. cdici

    humidity ?'s

    Looks good! You're fine. That little extra humidity's effect seems negligable. Nice work!
  6. cdici

    Help- Shopping List

    huh? Of course there are a million questions that could still be asked. Exactly. Jomal has been dead on in every one of his responses, some were just kind of rude, but I get the feeling it was not intentional. Pete, I was not saying you don't know how to grow marijuana. Sometimes I review...
  7. cdici

    switching light shedules!

    Plants can handle being switched from 18/6 to 24/0 lighting without too much stress, but don't flip back and forth unnecessarily. Avoid unnecessary stress. Porch, 12/12 is for flowering, are u flowering? If not switch back to 18/6 or 24/0 for vegging. There has been a long running debate on...
  8. cdici

    Help- Shopping List

    Did you read this from start to finish? What questions do you still have unanswered?
  9. cdici

    quick light question

    If you go with flouresents you could also use cfls like alot of people do. Use daylight or "cool white" for vegging and "warm" for flowering. They are cheap, like $5 ea., and you can add more as you go to spread the cost, and they go in a regular household (bulb) socket. I have, in the past...
  10. cdici

    quick light question

    light ballast - an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and high intesnsity discharge lights. High intensity Discharge lights like High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide require a ballast, special (larger) socket, and bulb. The links you posted were just the bulbs. Here is...
  11. cdici

    First time growing need help

    Damn! nice plants grown on a shoestring budget! I think GK gave you good advice to flower immediately or they're gonna bust through your roof before they're done!
  12. cdici

    newb need a product opinion

    Ugh! I just got a visual of that in my mind! :spew:Hope it does'nt come back when I swipe my wife's next VS catalog :( !...I'm sorry, no offense, but I think it's kinda hokey, but I wish you the best of luck with it! The first thing I noticed too was the dirty paraphernalia and I agree with the...
  13. cdici

    Veg period length

    If you let it get too big in veg your plant could outgrow your grow space, just something to think about. Alot of new(er) growers underestimate how much they will gain in height during flowering! Generally,IMO, I think a good rule or thumb is that you can let your plant get up to 1/3 the height...
  14. cdici

    Is this normal? (help needed)

    Many new growers (and this is the Newbie section) are not providing adequate lighting. Many times, because of lack of funds they are starting with a few bulbs, sometimes only one! I have, in the past started out with minimal "warm" cfls and my plants did stretch like hell. I switched to...
  15. cdici

    Is this normal? (help needed)

    Get "daylight" cfls. "warm" or "soft" ones will also cause (more) stretching.
  16. cdici

    Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth

    Damn, I wasted a bunch of perfectly good sleep time reading through all 18 pages of this (mostly) nonsense! Well, thanks to everyone that threw in an occasional funny comment so it wasn't a complete waste of time!(though it's kinda like being happy you found a place to scrape your shoe after you...
  17. cdici

    fucken cat

    Will it grow? The little leaf, no. The stem, doubtful. If you have another seed, start over. You'll be back to where you were in a week.
  18. cdici

    For Newbs that want a cheap hydro set-up

    Do you drool over stealth hydro growing systems, but don't have the cash to buy one? Do you read about Rubbermaid tubs in the forum, but have no idea what else you would need? There are free DIY plans on the web, probably including this site(requires a little searching and reading) -BUT..If you...
  19. cdici


    "daylight" cfls for veg, "soft" or "warm" for flowering. As far as kits go, with a little investigating (as to exactly what the kits contained), I was able to buy all the components seperately for a lot less and taylor it a little to my needs. It is less of a hassle to just buy a kit though, if...
  20. cdici

    Please Help, I fear im doing something wrong

    You detected noticeable growth in 8 hrs?! Guy, no offense, but you're obsessing too much over your plants. Stop hovering over them and give Mother Nature a chance to do her thing. You know the sayings?, A watched pot never boils! (do not, however, boil your pot!) I only check (and give a little...